Horners syndrome

Horners syndrome
Horner's syndrome (sometimes referred to as Horner's syndrome) - a disorder of the sympathetic nerves, which leads to a violation of the innervation of the eye muscles. Visually seen a lowered eyelid, constriction of the pupil, the eye flowing and certain other motor dysfunctions. It occurs equally in people of all ages, can be congenital. In children Horner's syndrome often results in multi-colored iris, when a child's eye has a dark color, and the second - light. The disease is relatively rare, but treatment delivers hassle neurologists.

Empty sella syndrome

Empty sella syndrome - a collection of disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems and organs of vision, developing as a result of bulging membranes of the brain into the cavity sella with simultaneous compression and spreading it on the walls of one of the main endocrine glands - the pituitary gland.

Achromatopsia. Causes and symptoms

Ahromaziya (achromatopsia) - a disease characterized by severe impairment of color perception, in which the patient sees the world in black and white.
The disease is related to hereditary diseases, which is characterized by an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance.

Sometimes, however, the disease has acquired the character and develops due to damage to the optic nerve or the central portion of the retina. Very rarely, this pathology may occur against the background of glaucoma.
Most often the disease is detected in childhood.

Albino people


Albinism is a congenital disease. This disease Albinism in vzroslyhpodrazumevaet absence in the skin, hair, nails, pigment and iridescent eye shells of the pigment melanin. The name "albinism" comes from the Latin "albus", which in Russian means "white." This disease is known a long time, as his descriptions are even found in the documents of ancient Rome and Greece.

Dermatitis on legs. The causes of dermatitis

dermatitis on legs
One of the most common skin diseases on hands and feet, which is not transmitted through contact with the patient, is a dermatitis. It can occur as a response to an allergen or infection. Equally often such a reaction on the skin is the result of diseases of internal organs, which manifest themselves in the form toxicoderma.
Treat dermatitis on the feet and hands is possible and necessary. The time required to complete relief of symptoms of the disease depends on the degree of neglect and approach to treatment.

Adrenal crisis treatmen

adrenal crisis treatmen
Addison's disease (aka gipokortitsizm) - is a group of clinical symptoms caused by chronic diseases of the thyroid of the adrenal cortex, resulting in inappropriate secretion of aldosterone and cortisol.

The adrenal glands are the organ that produces hormones. They consist of a core generating a stress hormone - adrenaline and the outer cortex produces steroid hormones, including cortisol and aldosterone have important functions in the body. Cortisol is involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and sugars. Aldosterone is involved in the regulation of blood pressure through its influence on the sodium concentration in the body. Lack or absence of these hormones lead to severe metabolic disorders, which, if run, will inevitably lead to the death of the patient. Today's medicine allows you to fully make up for the missing hormones in the blood, so patients can live a normal life.

What does menorrhagia mean

what does menorrhagia mean
Heavy periods (menorrhagia) are set as the diagnosis of prolonged and or heavy menstruation. Heavy periods are characterized as menorrhagia when lasting more than 7 days, the blood loss was 80 mL and above.

What is the cause of heavy menstruation (menorrhagia)?

Heavy periods can be caused by a variety of reasons that are dangerous to health and life in varying degrees.

Rash on my body

rash on my body
Rash called multiple changes on the skin and mucous membranes: the elements that are different from normal skin color, texture and appearance. The rash can be on the stomach, chest, face, arms, legs. Patients describe a rash-like spots, redness, pimples, bumps, goose, bubbles, blisters, pustules, mosquito bites, etc. type rash can sometimes indicate a disease, but to put a diagnosis on the appearance of lesions can not be, you need to consult a doctor.

How does rash look (rash views)

Most often form a skin rash on the following elements:
  • spots. Spot - a red-faced portion not projecting above the surrounding skin. Redness associated with excessive influx of blood. When pressed on his finger stain disappears and reappears after discontinuation of pressure;
  • nodules (papules) - sealed areas, slightly protruding above the skin. Most often papules are rounded or conical shape. The papules may coalesce together to form plaques, sometimes quite large in size (for example, the size of a palm). When pressed papule also loses its color;
  • blisters (vesicles). A bottle - it is an element, usually rounded, rising above the level of the skin, and which is a cavity filled with a clear, cloudy or bloody fluid;
  • pustules (pustules). Pustule - a vial with purulent contents. The skin at the base of pustules may also be affected by inflammation;
  • blisters - bespolostnoy elements of round or oval, slightly elevated above the level of the skin, resulting from a limited and badly flowing edema.

Long term effects of binge drinking

long term effects of binge drinking
Alcoholism - a scourge of our modern society. The effects of alcoholism can be divided into two classes. First - this is a negative impact of alcoholic related to the deterioration of his health and the degradation of the individual. The second - the negative effects on society - namely, an increase in the number of social problems associated with alcohol abuse.

It is very much possible to carry personal problems drinker. For example:
  • aggression and loss of self-control in a state of intoxication and hangover;
  • accidents, hypothermia or overheating of negligence in a state of extreme intoxication;
  • alcohol poisoning;
  • the risk of developing cirrhosis of the liver;
  • the risk of certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases cordial;
  • the development of psychosis;
  • disability;
  • arrest for being in public places in a state of intoxication;
  • an increase of conflicts in the family and its destruction;
  • financial difficulties and crime.

Fifths disease pictures

fifths disease pictures
fifths disease pictures

fifths disease

Examples of stem cells

examples of stem cells
Examples of stem cells

Addisons disease

addison  disease
Addison's disease - a painful condition of the adrenal cortex that occurs during their bilateral lesions, resulting in a decrease (or eliminate) the secretion of adrenal hormones. It is also known as "bronze disease" or chronic insufficiency of the adrenal cortex.

Addison's disease occurs when the defeat of more than 90% of the adrenal tissue. In most cases, the cause of the disease - an autoimmune process (attack its own immune system), followed in frequency should be tuberculosis.

As syndrome, chronic adrenocortical insufficiency is present in the set of inherited diseases.

Coronary artery stenosis

coronary artery stenosis
The heart, like any other organ of the human body must be supplied with blood, to get together with the blood of oxygen and nutrients that are necessary for normal heart function. Arterial blood the heart receives through the system of the heart arteries, which are called "coronary arteries."

This name is due to the peculiarities of the heart arteries location: it resembles the rays diverging in different directions. In another way it's like a "crown", so you can also hear the coronary arteries of the heart, which translated from Latin means also the coronary arteries.

Attention seeking personality disorder

attention seeking personality disorder
You can often hear that overly emotional or eccentric people are called psychopaths. The true meaning of the term hardly anyone thinks. Psychopathy is a serious violation is determined by the overexpression of one of the personality traits with the underdevelopment of others. In the western classification more than use the term "personality disorder" and not a "personality disorder." In this diagnosis includes a plurality of the similar not disorders.
Personality disorders are complex and deep-rooted rigid maladaptive personality traits that determine the specific perception and attitude toward self and others, the reduction of social adaptation and, as a rule, the subjective emotional discomfort and distress.

Assaultive behavior

assaultive behavior
Patients with problems of dementia may exhibit aggression in a variety of forms: too emotionally react to words or situations that threaten and insult, get into a fight.

How to respond?

Any manifestation of aggression, even if it does not involve physical harm, psychological damage caused to others. Learning how to react in such situations - a task of paramount importance. The first thing that can be recommended: do not take aggressive action on your account. Even though outwardly they are directed at you, it is only because you were close.

Staph infection on neck

staph infection on neck
Infections caused by pathogenic staphylococci, belongs to a special group. The fact that staph is opportunistic, almost always living on the human body, a common microbe in nature. Either way, the person contacts the daily.

Staphylococcus aureus can produce inflammation in almost any system and any organ - the skin and subcutaneous tissue, internal organs, the nervous tissue of the brain and heart. Toxins of certain types of Staphylococcus give hospital food poisoning.

Epidemic examples

Any epidemic coming meant a new turn in history. Since such an enormous number of victims that caused the deadly disease could go undetected. The most striking cases of epidemics have reached us through the centuries in historical chronicles ...

Known flu epidemic

The influenza virus is constantly modified, so it is difficult to find a cure for the treatment of this dangerous disease. In world history, there are several epidemics of influenza, which claimed millions of lives.

Abscess mouth

abscess mouth
Peritonsillar abscess is an inflammatory process, which takes place in the tissues adjacent to the tonsils. The cause of peritonsillar abscess are pathogens. To begin the development of peritonsillar abscess just something and you need that lowered immunity. For more information about the symptoms and treatment of peritonsillar abscess medkollegiya tiensmed.ru (www.tiensmed.ru) will provide you in this article.
So just for no reason at all, you peritonsillar abscess appears. This is usually a complication of chronic tonsillitis or wrong the treated angina. During exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis tonsils formed scars that do not give a release pus from the gaps (the dimples is such that you can see on his tonsils). So the pus does not follow, the microbes find a way out into nearby tissue. These fabrics in its structure is not very compact, which facilitates the ingress of microbes. At the same time the small blood vessels to dilate, and the mucosa becomes swollen and red.

Fifth disease contagious

fifth disease contagious
This somewhat cryptic name hides the one of the viral disease, which is accompanied by a rash. Fifth disease, or infectious erythema, mainly affects children aged 5-15 years. The disease most children overcome quickly and without problems. Usually it occurs from late winter to early summer and spreads by droplet infection among children by sneezing, coughing or physical contact. The parents first notice the typical rash on the face, but the child is most infectious before the appearance of this symptom, so the problem is to prevent the spread of the disease in groups of children. The rash is an immune response to infection and actually appears in the moment when it disappears.
This is one of the varieties of skin disease, which manifests itself in the form of rashes.

Toe dislocation

toe dislocation
Dislocated toe today is quite rare type of damage to the musculoskeletal system. Depending on how early dislocation was diagnosed and proper treatment will be determined by the outcome of the injury.
Today, two different kinds of dislocation - in the metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints. In almost all cases it will be an indirect mechanism of injury (for example, a dislocation is formed as a result of falling from a height on a straightened foot or due to the impact of a hard object).

Nitrates in urine causes

nitrates in urine causes
The presence of nitrates (not nitrites) in the urine is relatively normal, especially given the current food (food additives, rapid methods of cultivation of plants and animals). But during the health problems in the bladder may appear and actively breed bacteria. They secrete a special enzyme and under the influence of nitrates start to turn into nitrites, showing up at the same time in the urine.

The infection in this case is located in the upper part of the urinary system (pyelonephritis) or lower (cystitis, urethritis). In the first case it is much worse treatment, and diagnostics. Usually nitrites in urine discover when they begin to exhibit other symptoms: pain, impaired urination, chills, fever.

The most common bacteria that causes this kind of infection - Escherichia coli (E.coli). It is present in the colon, stomach, around the anus and in the stool. But there may be others.

Dermatitis on eyes

Causes of atopic dermatitis century

dermatitis on eyes
Atopic dermatitis century in most cases is the same reason - use of improper chemicals. Most often, this decorative cosmetics, skin care products or drugs in the form of ointments. That is why many lotions and creams should not be applied on the delicate and sensitive skin around the eyes. After contact with such substances are distorted immune response and inflammatory response begins.

Other causes include systemic allergic reactions such as conjunctivitis, wherein the inflammation can be located on the eyelids and under the eyes, and insect bites. However, it should be noted that allergic dermatitis age is extremely rare.

Vascular encephalopathy

What is the brain encephalopathy

vascular encephalopathy
Encephalopathy - non-inflammatory diseases of the brain. As a result, various diseases and pathologies impaired cerebral blood supply, there is brain tissue anoxia. Due to the lack of oxygen, nerve cells die, the brain areas are turned off from work and there encephalopathy.

The disease is congenital and acquired:
  • Congenital encephalopathy, cerebral vessels arises from the generic intracranial injury, abnormalities of brain development during pregnancy transferred infection.
  • Acquired encephalopathy occurs in adults as a result of disease or injury.

Aortic angiogram

The first symptoms of the disease

aortic angiogram
Peripheral arteries - the arteries of the lower and upper extremities. Most often, at atherosclerosis and other pathological states of the peripheral arteries of the lower limbs are affected artery.

The main symptom of lower limb arterial disease is pain in the legs when walking. Pain may occur in the hips, buttocks, knees, legs and feet, depending on the level of destruction of leg arteries. The incidence of peripheral arterial disease increases with age. At every third elderly person has a disease of the lower limb arteries over 70 years. Smoking and diabetes is several times increases the likelihood of developing this disease.

Ankle swelling after walking

ankle swelling after walking
Basically, such a problem as the swelling of the legs near the ankles of women are concerned. After all, as a result spoiled the appearance of their legs, and it is impossible to wear a dress or skirt. There are problems and with the choice of footwear. Narrow shoes or boots can simply not fastened or strongly squeeze the legs, which often leads to numbness. In general, any swelling - this accumulation of excess fluid in a particular area. Most often they appear just in the feet and ankles. There are many ways on how to deal with this problem.

Chemical conjunctivitis

chemical conjunctivitis
Chemical damage to the eyes are one of the really urgent ophthalmic situations. At that time, almost any chemical can cause irritation of the eyes, the most severe damage usually occurs by ingestion of strong acids or alkalis. Damage alkalis are more common and can be more dangerous, especially in the bilateral process that often ends in visual impairment and disability.

There are 5 degrees of severity of burns. The severity of damage is caused by chemical type, volume, concentration, duration of exposure, temperature and the degree of penetration of the chemical. They play a role as the age of the victim (much heavier burns can occur in children), previous condition of the eye and started treatment.

The mechanism of damage to acids and alkalis is slightly different.

Deficiency diseases

deficiency diseases
Deficiency disease is a pathologic condition in which there is a shortage of one or more vitamins in humans. At the same time, three versions of failure can be identified: subnormal software, vitamin deficiencies (low maintenance) and beriberi (complete lack of).

The first option (subnormal security) is the initial stage of the development process. This will only occur some irregularities in biochemical processes. This form of vitamin deficiency often occurs in healthy people. For example, such as students, workers, the elderly, and so on. D. For subnormal security characterized by the fact that such a condition can be corrected without too much difficulty with just a balanced diet. Applications synthetic vitamins are not required.

Amino acid deficiency

amino acid deficiency
Methionine - one of the essential amino acids necessary for growth and maintenance of the body's nitrogen balance. The need for increased methionine dystrophy as a result of protein deficiency after dysentery and other diseases of infectious nature.

The biological role of methionine in the body

Methionine - an amino acid that promotes the assimilation of fat, not allowing them to accumulate in the liver and arteries. Therefore this substance has anti-sclerotic effect of reducing blood cholesterol levels. Methionine is characterized lipotropic effect, ie has the ability to cleanse the liver from excess fat, preventing its fatty degeneration.

Sore throat headache

Sore throat - one of the most frequent manifestations of colds

sore throat headache
Colds are the most common cause of such manifestations (symptoms) as sore throat, fever (fever), rhinitis (runny nose), cough. These symptoms may occur as isolated or combined with each other. In addition, the common cold is usually accompanied by general weakness, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, aching joints and other symptoms reflecting decreased immunity.

In most cases, to cope with colds can be yourself. Treatment of colds is aimed at symptomatic treatment of sore throat, fever (high temperature), rhinitis (runny nose), cough. Also important is the adoption of a series of measures to improve the body's resistance and prevention of complications.

It is important to remember that any symptom can be a manifestation of minor violations of the health and the beginning of a serious illness or symptom exacerbation of existing chronic disease that requires treatment by a physician. In all cases, to the evaluation of the severity of symptoms should be treated with extreme caution. At the slightest doubt, you must consult a doctor.

We present below the approaches to the treatment of the common cold, depending on the "set" of certain clinical manifestations (symptoms).

Flu like symptoms but not flu

flu like symptoms but not flu
To eliminate the possibility of disease or quickly get rid of already acquired the disease - it is necessary to know the enemy in the face.

Influenza and the common cold have similar symptoms and effects - in some cases they are difficult to distinguish. But it is important to distinguish between these infections, otherwise you can not be treated with suitable medicines and even aggravate the disease.

We will understand with the reviewed infections:
  • Influenza - an acute infectious disease of nature. The virus is spread lightning speed, constantly mutating, and periodically announced in the form of epidemics.
  • Colds - a disease caused by acts hypothermia. Show symptoms in the respiratory tract area, often develops into more complex forms. 
It is clear that the flu - a distinct disease with pronounced acute symptoms. Colds - depending on the type and location of the place, can occur both acute and sluggish, but the danger of complications.

Brain Encephalopathy

The term "encephalopathy" is derived from two Greek words "encephalon" and "pathos", which translates as "the brain" and "disease", respectively.

Encephalopathy is a diffuse brain injury syndrome, degenerative nature, tend to develop on the background of other heavy pathological process. Patients with a diagnosis of a decrease in the volume of nervous tissue and significantly impaired function.

This may be a congenital disease, which is a consequence of the adverse effects on the fetus in utero. Such a pathological condition can develop when genetic abnormalities that lead to abnormal development of the central nervous system, as well as under the influence of damaging factors like fetal hypoxia, birth trauma. Depending on the severity of the existing disorders early signs of the disease can be detected immediately after birth or after a certain time when you contact your pediatrician about those or other changes. As a rule, this type of encephalopathy have serious consequences and often leads to disability of the patient, but with proper and timely treatment of certain disorders may be adjusted due to the high compensatory abilities the child's body.

Oxygen starvation of the brain: Symptoms and Treatment. Not enough oxygen to the brain

not enough oxygen to the brain
Hypoxia, more popularly known as oxygen starvation of the brain - a frequent phenomenon, which, as a rule, residents are facing big dusty city, as well as people working in confined spaces without adequate ventilation. As a result of these factors can disrupt the supply of oxygen to the brain.

So, the main symptoms of oxygen starvation of the brain:
  • drowsiness, occurring even after a long sleep;
  • a dull ache in the head;
  • slow thinking and memory impairment;
  • weakness throughout the body, dizziness;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • paleness of the skin and the appearance of a cold sweat;
  • frequent yawning;
  • causeless irritability;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • possible loss of consciousness.
These signs of oxygen starvation of the brain can be caused by other factors, such as stress. Also in the field of medical experts confirmed that the oxygen starvation has become particularly common in people smoking and regularly consuming alcohol.

Contact dermatitis lips

contact dermatitis lips
If you have eczema, it is recommended to buy the book "Freedom from eczema." By following the three simple steps you can permanently cure eczema and regain a healthy and clean skin. You can also ask questions in the forum

Dermatitis on gubahDermatit - is an acute skin lesions inflammatory nature, which occurs by contact as a result of skin irritating agents: physical, chemical, biological. If the lesions localized in the red portion of the lips, such a condition is called - dermatitis on the lips. It may be accompanied by skin lesions and adjacent (perioral dermatitis). Among the causes of this disease can be identified hormonal malfunction, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, long-term use of hormonal contraceptives, fluoride toothpaste. Also provoke dermatitis on the lips can be long-term use of hormonal ointments (in which case you must immediately discard them). All this leads to the fact that the protective forces of the skin and reduced ability to fight off bacterial flora rapidly deteriorating.

Robinow syndrome

robinow sindrom
Robinow syndrome - an inherited disease that is characterized by an enlarged head, bulging forehead, completeness, underdeveloped external genitalia, brachydactyly limbs and other signs on the general background of underdevelopment.

First described the disease pediatrician and geneticist Meinhard Robin with colleagues Hugo Smith and Frederick Silverman in 1969. In 2002 clinical cases were studied and published photos Robinova syndrome in specialized medical literature. Earlier recessive form of the disease was known as Covesdem syndrome.

Symptoms of Robinow syndrome

Permanent signs of the disease are:
  • microcephaly;
  • broad nasal bridge;
  • prominent forehead;
  • short nose, inverted front nostril;
  • mouth triangular shape;
  • hypertelorism;
  • epikant;
  • malocclusion and teething;
  • hypoplasia of the midface;
  • gingival hyperplasia.

Primary amenorrhea causes

primary amenorrhea causes
Amenorrhea is characterized by the absence of menstruation and may indicate the presence of endocrine, neurological and gynecological diseases. Amenorrhea, as a variant of the norm, should be considered in cases such as pregnancy and lactation, age before puberty and after menopause. All other manifestations of amenorrhea indicate pathological course of the disease.

Amenorrhea is divided into primary, when menstruation has not yet appeared, and secondary when an established menstruation suddenly stopped for some reason.

Side effects corticosteroids

side effects corticosteroids
The risk of side effects is reduced when taking small doses of corticosteroids (7.5 mg or less of prednisone or equivalent of other corticosteroids). Receiving the intermediate doses of 7,5-20 mg per day for the month associated with low risk. Taking large doses (20-60 mg) has a higher risk and needs in terms of absolute (life) indications. Very high doses (100-1000 mg per day) and only rarely used briefly.

Corticosteroids have many side effects, which range from the ordinary to the rare.

The following are common side effects:
  • Weight gain due to fluid retention (edema)
  • The increase in body weight due to fat accumulation (due to increased appetite)
  • Mood variability
  • Nervousness
  • Insomnia
  • Subcutaneous hemorrhage
  • Slow wound healing
  • The formation of acne
  • Formation of the crescent-shaped face
  • Blurred vision
  • Weakness of the limbs
  • Thinning hair or increased hair growth
  • Osteoporosis

Symptoms conjunctivitis

symptoms conjunctivitis
Conjunctivitis can occur due to infection, allergy or eye irritation by chemicals.


Infective conjunctivitis can cause viruses (adenovirus, herpes virus) and bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, gonococci). Viral conjunctivitis is often one of the symptoms of acute respiratory infection (common cold), and often occurs during the cold season, when many viral infections.

Allergic conjunctivitis occurs in response to the action of a dust allergen, animal hair, pollen and may be associated with allergic diseases such as hay fever, atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma.

Conjunctivitis can occur during stimulation of the conjunctiva fumes of chemicals (paints, lacquers, cleaning agents, chemicals), caught in the eye of substandard cosmetics, shampoos, etc.

There are other, more rare causes of conjunctivitis, but they can reveal only when viewed from a doctor, and after further research.

Abscesses and cellulitis of the head and neck

abscesses and cellulitis of the head and neck
The incidence of abscesses and phlegmon of the maxillofacial region of the head due to the high prevalence of chronic focal odontogenic and tonsillogenic infection, and infectious and inflammatory lesions of the skin and oral mucosa. On the basis of data on the localization of infectious-inflammatory process in different anatomical sections, zones, areas and spaces of the head and neck is constructed their systematization.
From the description of topographic anatomical structure of the face, admaxillary and adjacent areas of the neck can see the complexity of their anatomy. There are many cellular spaces, numerous lymph nodes and vessels are scattered in all areas "face, profuse network of arteries and veins of the rich innervation of these areas.

Signs and symptoms of jaundice

signs and symptoms of jaundice
Jaundice - a symptom, at which the coloration of the skin and mucous membranes in the yellowish tint. The reason for this - a surplus in the tissues of the body and blood of bilirubin (a yellow pigment).

Bilirubin is produced in the process of disintegration of red blood cells. During normal operation of all organs and systems of the body, it is excreted by the liver.

Incubation period for cold

incubation period for cold
In the off-season dank and sick adults and children. But not always cause a cold. you can find the diagnosis of "SARS" in the medical record. What is it, what causes and how long is the incubation period for different types of viral infections will tell in this article.


They affect mainly the nasal mucosa. Intoxication sluggish. The source selection is a sick person, which fall either by direct contact or on shared objects. They are not stable outside the human body and die quickly when exposed to elevated temperatures, dezinfikatorov any acidic environment.

The incubation period can last from 1 to 5 days. All depends on the person's age and durability of immunity. The higher the body's resistance, and specific individual older, the longer this period. Children get sick faster.

Since viruses penetrate cells in the nasal mucosa, respectively, there is formed the site of infection. The first symptoms are sneezing, mucosal edema and the appearance of a light liquid discharge that becomes more viscous in a few days. The temperature can rise to 38 ° C, but it is not always present. Onset is usually not sharp, everything is progressing gradually. Recovery is on average a week.

Fetal alcohol syndrom

fetal alcohol syndrom
Fetal alcohol syndrome (TSA) includes a plurality of psychophysical congenital defects due child female systematic use of alcoholic beverages before and during pregnancy. Children with TSA in the psycho-physical development defects occur at the moment of birth and remain until the end of life. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a major factor in violation of human mental development, and includes violations in the areas of brain disorders and diseases related to the functioning of the central nervous system, along with a variety of neurological disorders, mental retardation, intellectual disabilities and behavior; prenatal and / or postnatal growth retardation and weight; the specific structure of the face and skull: short, narrow structure of the eye slits, a thin upper lip, small head circumference and brain, the presence of "Mongolian fold" in the inner corner of the eye, cleft palate, hypoplasia of the upper or lower jaw.

Secondary amenorrhea

secondary amenorrhea
Amenorrhea - syndrome, which is characterized by the absence of menstruation. As a result of heavy menstrual irregularities and lack of ovulation amenorrhea often leads to infertility. In fact, amenorrhea is not a disease - it is rather a symptom that means nothing, as the absence of menstruation. Amenorrhea is divided into primary and secondary.

Primary we can see, when there is no menstruation in a girl of fourteen, while other signs of puberty are not observed, and when sixteen years did not come menstruation, but there are signs of maturity. Both cases have different causes, and therefore there is such a division. Amenorrhea can also be physiological - menopausal women after forty-five years, and in girls up to the age of fourteen. Physiological amenorrhea also observed in pregnant women during lactation, when the amount of prolactin in the blood increases, which prevents an increase in endometrial and maturation of the egg.

Eastern poison ivy

Eastern poison ivy is the scientific name of ivy tox (lat. Toxicodendron radicans). This plant has no relation to a simple harmless ivy. They look very similar, so it is so called. It is often confused ivy and sumac. But sumac - it's lacquer tox in the form of a bush or tree. Those. they are very similar, but still different.

What is poison ivy?

Ivy belongs to the poisonous plants, touching the leaves that you can burn yourself or get other consequences - for example, as a general poisoning. It is poisonous all - and the stem and leaves, and flowers, and fruits.
But, in spite of the high toxicity and danger to human life, this ivy is considered a plant that has medicinal properties, and it is often used in medicine. Therefore it is necessary to get acquainted with this interesting and controversial plant so close, to know what the threats and benefits it hides.
This plant is very different from neighbors kind Toxicodendron Mill, having the form of a tree. Poison ivy is more like a vine, sometimes - a small shrub. He let his long, flexible stems on the ground or trees envelops them, using the additional roots.
eastern poison ivy
Similarly, all dangerous, poison ivy is very beautiful in appearance. In the warm season its branches are covered with large green leaves. With the advent of fall, they become red-orange. In early summer, the branches begin to appear yellow inflorescences, which in autumn turn into bunches of fruit - round white-green drupes. Homeland toksikondrona considered North America, from Mexico to Canada. In those places it is quite common to see in the forest or between shrubs. We also found two kinds of native poison ivy, and then - only in the Southern Kuriles. One of them is called the east, and the second - volosistoplodny. But the nature of their unfriendly. They are the same toxic and cause severe poisoning from touching.

Prosopagnosia. Because of what people do not recognize loved ones

I do not recognize your face

Back in the 19th century, cases of inability to recognize faces were recorded. Studies of this phenomenon involved Hyulings John Jackson and Jean-Martin Charcot.

However, a systematic description of this phenomenon for the first time gave the German neurologist Joachim Bodamer (Joachim Bodamer). In 1947, he first used the term prosopagnosia, which literally means "misrecognition person" and systematically described three cases of this disorder.

Acetaminophen antidote

acetaminophen antidote
Acetaminophen is a member of more than 200 drugs with different trade names, including numerous children's liquid form, used as an analgesic and antipyretic agent. Acetaminophen is also used in the field of photography, and as a textile azo dye. Poisoning generally occurs after a single receiving large doses of combined preparations containing paracetamol, and as a result of prolonged use of smaller doses of paracetamol hypersensitivity to the drug, alcohol abuse, or the wrong mode power supply in combination with drugs affecting its metabolism in the liver.

What foods contain folic acid. Table B9 vitamin content in food

what fruits have folic acid
Folic acid or vitamin B9 (which is the same thing), let's just -. "Vitamin of the leaves" In Latin, the word "list" sounds like "folikum" actually so, it is called "folic" acid. And because for the first time, scientists have identified vitamin B9 is green from spinach leaves. Folic acid is dissolved in water, it is quickly destroyed in the light and under the influence of temperature. When cooking, folic acid in foods is easily destroyed. Not only for vitamin B9 is pernicious even room temperature, if the products are stored for a long time. Therefore, to folic acid in foods preserved and hit the body, fruits and vegetables should not be stored for a long time, and stewed and boiled dishes should be preferred raw salads.

What is the role of the pituitary gland

what is the role of the pituitary gland
The pituitary gland and the hypothalamus - are important components of the human endocrine system, producing various hormones. Almost everyone knows these difficult names and understand their connection with the brain, but what really makes the hypothalamus and pituitary gland and their role in human life and health?

Hypothalamic-pituitary system
The pituitary gland is called the brain appendage, located under the cerebral cortex. It has a tiny size, but it performs a very important function. This endocrine gland regulates processes such as growth and development, sexual function, and the ability to reproduce, the metabolism. The tiny pituitary gland is divided according to their structure into shares, each of which has its own function. Each share (front, rear and intermediate) have their own groups of cells that produce certain hormones that regulate the body's various systems and functions. With immaturity or excessive action of pituitary gigantism and the associated concept of dwarfism. The pituitary gland is associated with the hypothalamus, a part of the diencephalon. This small section is the focal point. It produces hormones that have been reported with the pituitary gland. Hormones affect the pituitary gland and trigger the production of other hormones that control virtually the entire endocrine system. From the work of the hypothalamus are dependent on the state of the body, such as hunger or thirst, as well as sleep.

Losing weight fast and easy without exercise

losing weight fast and easy without exercise
Although the "right" exercise, of course, should be an integral part of any well-balanced program for losing weight fast and easy without exercise, but sometimes it is simply impossible.

Whether you have been injured in the last training or elementary do not have time or desire to visit a gym, you can still reduce your weight if you make some specific changes in your daily diet and daily activity.

If your goal - to lose weight for 7 days without exercise - you have persistently and consistently work hard to see positive results.

Weight loss occurs only when your body burns more calories at the expense of the number of daily activity than you consume with food.

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