Rash on my body

rash on my body
Rash called multiple changes on the skin and mucous membranes: the elements that are different from normal skin color, texture and appearance. The rash can be on the stomach, chest, face, arms, legs. Patients describe a rash-like spots, redness, pimples, bumps, goose, bubbles, blisters, pustules, mosquito bites, etc. type rash can sometimes indicate a disease, but to put a diagnosis on the appearance of lesions can not be, you need to consult a doctor.

How does rash look (rash views)

Most often form a skin rash on the following elements:
  • spots. Spot - a red-faced portion not projecting above the surrounding skin. Redness associated with excessive influx of blood. When pressed on his finger stain disappears and reappears after discontinuation of pressure;
  • nodules (papules) - sealed areas, slightly protruding above the skin. Most often papules are rounded or conical shape. The papules may coalesce together to form plaques, sometimes quite large in size (for example, the size of a palm). When pressed papule also loses its color;
  • blisters (vesicles). A bottle - it is an element, usually rounded, rising above the level of the skin, and which is a cavity filled with a clear, cloudy or bloody fluid;
  • pustules (pustules). Pustule - a vial with purulent contents. The skin at the base of pustules may also be affected by inflammation;
  • blisters - bespolostnoy elements of round or oval, slightly elevated above the level of the skin, resulting from a limited and badly flowing edema.
These elements are called primary, as occur on clean skin.

In the process of the disease appear on site rash and secondary elements:
  • areas of hyperpigmentation or depigmentation (skin loses its natural color, becoming either darker or discoloring);
  • flaking (flakes are formed - particles dying top layer of skin);
  • erosion (damage to the skin surface, resulting from opening of the vial and an abscess). In severe cases, ulcers can occur - a violation of the integrity of the skin, exciting all the layers of the skin - up to the subcutaneous fat;
  • when scratching - abrasions, both surface and deep;
  • cork (formed as a result of drying branches weeping surface - for example, in place of broken bubbles, pustules and ulcers and erosions);
  • lots lichenification (thickening of the skin with increased her figure), and others.

The rash in infectious diseases

The appearance of skin rash typical for infectious diseases, which mainly affects children: varicella (chickenpox), measles, scarlet fever, measles.

When varicella lesions are found throughout the body, including the scalp, mucous membranes, and sometimes - even on the palms of the hands and feet. Elements of the rash appear first as specks of pink or red round shape. Then, at this location the bubbles formed. After 2-3 days blisters dry up, after they formed a crust. Simultaneously, the body may coexist rash elements at different stages. Overall precipitation continues 5-10 days.

When rubella rash form small pink-red spots round or oval. Usually the rash appears first on the face and then spreads throughout the body. The rash usually lasts from 2 to 4 days (sometimes up to 7 days), then disappears - without pigmentation, and peeling.

Measles is characterized by dark red (crimson) rash. In contrast to the rash with rubella, measles rash elements may merge. The rash appears sequentially: first - on the face, neck and behind the ears; on the next day - on the body, on the third day of the rash covers the extensor surfaces of the hands and feet, including the toes. Skin rash affected, becomes rough. On the fourth day after the onset of the rash begins to fade away in the same manner as occurred. In place of the more rash and a half weeks remain brown scaly spots.

The rash of scarlet fever manifests itself as numerous very small red spots that stand out against the background of redness. The rash covers the entire body, but is most intense in the field of natural skin folds, abdomen and sides of the torso. A characteristic feature of scarlet fever is a normal skin color and the absence of lesions in the so-called nasolabial triangle (the area formed by the base of the nose and the corners of the mouth). The rash fades in 3-7 days, leaving behind pigmentation. After the disappearance of the rash, the skin starts to peel off, and on the palms of the hands and feet coming off layers.

Also, a rash on the body is observed with herpes, enterovirus infection, syphilis, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases.

If the rash caused by an infectious disease, skin rash usually accompanied by other symptoms, primarily, and temperature increase toxicity. However, do not try to diagnose yourself, including by type of rash. Currently, the disease often occur in atypical ("blurry") forms, many of the symptoms may be absent, rash symptoms can be expressed weakly. However, the very appearance of a rash on the background of other symptoms indicating the seriousness of the disease.

The most alarming emergence of hemorrhagic rash. These rashes are caused by rupture of the surface capillaries and are petechial hemorrhages. When the pressure-sensitive elements of hemorrhagic rash does not fade and do not fade. This rash may be indicative of meningococcal infection (meningococcal sepsis - blood poisoning). This disease is fatal, and is developing rapidly. Its initial symptoms are similar to the flu (fever, vomiting). If the rash is found, should immediately call an ambulance on this background.

Skin rash in allergic diseases

Rash is a common allergic reaction. Allergic nature has a rash of red spots on the chest swollen abdomen, extremities, at least - on the face, quickly emerging, changing the shape and location, and are accompanied by severe itching. This condition is called urticaria. Contact dermatitis manifests itself in a rash in those places where the skin is in contact with the substance-allergen. Food allergies and allergies to medications (antibiotics, sulfa drugs group, hormones, vitamins, etc.) Can also be manifested as skin rashes.

Rash in skin diseases

The rash on the body may also be a manifestation of skin diseases such as:
  • acne (acne) - manifested in the form of papules and pustules on the skin of the forehead, cheeks, nose and chin;
  • psoriasis;
  • fungal infections;
  • mange (caused by microscopic parasites).
Redness of the skin is also caused by sudamen (for infants - a typical reaction to overheating), insect bites, etc.

rash on my body

Where to go with a rash

Trying to independently determine the nature of the rash, it is easy to make a mistake. Therefore, in case of rashes on the skin it is necessary to consult a dermatologist or general practitioner (pediatrician, family doctor or therapist).

If there are reasonable grounds to believe the origin of the allergic rashes should appear allergist-immunologist. Independently taking antihistamines, can achieve the disappearance of rashes on the skin, but it is worth remembering that in this case the cause of the allergy is still unknown, complex treatment is not carried out, and therefore, most likely, in the future we should expect a more severe allergic reactions.

Turning to the "family doctor", you get expert help of experienced dermatologists, allergists-immunologists and pediatricians who will establish the cause of the rash, and appoint an effective course of treatment.

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