Abscesses and cellulitis of the head and neck

abscesses and cellulitis of the head and neck
The incidence of abscesses and phlegmon of the maxillofacial region of the head due to the high prevalence of chronic focal odontogenic and tonsillogenic infection, and infectious and inflammatory lesions of the skin and oral mucosa. On the basis of data on the localization of infectious-inflammatory process in different anatomical sections, zones, areas and spaces of the head and neck is constructed their systematization.
From the description of topographic anatomical structure of the face, admaxillary and adjacent areas of the neck can see the complexity of their anatomy. There are many cellular spaces, numerous lymph nodes and vessels are scattered in all areas "face, profuse network of arteries and veins of the rich innervation of these areas.

Classification of abscesses and phlegmon face.

With patomorfologichsskih positions based division of purulent inflammation in the abscesses and cellulitis is a sign of demarcation of purulent focus from the surrounding tissue structures first shaft granulating tissue infiltration, and later - a connective tissue capsule. However, in the early stages of acute purulent inflammation when distinguishing purulent focus mechanisms are not yet included in full, clinicians base differential diagnosis of abscesses and abscesses in the sign of the prevalence of the inflammatory process (for length, area, volume). For example, in acute purulent inflammation of the small-volume cellular spaces (for example, the area of ​​the canine fossa) or losing only a portion of tissue anatomy (eg, submandibular region) diagnosed an abscess. When detected clinical signs of lesions throughout the fiber anatomical region or spread of inflammation to adjacent anatomical regions and space abscess diagnosed.

Thus, we can say that an abscess - a limited accumulation of pus in the various tissues and organs to form a cavity (eg buttocks abscess, brain abscess.) And cellulitis - an acute purulent inflammation of the spilled fat, not prone to the curb. On the face often occur odontogenic cellulitis that initially localized in podzhevatelnom cellular spaces in the area of tissue canine pit or floor of the mouth tissue.

The timely receipt of the patient in the hospital, on the localization of cellulitis, choosing the right method of treatment and surgery, the reactivity of the organism depends on the fate of the patient: or follow a smooth course of the disease and the cure, or complications arise, sometimes very severe, long tightening recovery.

When abscesses, phlegmon face and neck following complications can occur: 
  1. Thrombophlebitis veins pterygium plexus and veins of the orbit.
  2. Thrombosis of the cavernous sinus skull, meningitis, encephalitis.
  3. Sepsis, pyosepticemia, mediastinitis.
This classification complications of abscesses and phlegmon face and neck based on the topographic anatomical principle of the localization process.
abscesses of the head

The functional elements of the order included the classification, for example, violations of the initial organs of the digestive system that arise in different localization of abscesses, abscesses of the face and neck. For example, violation of chewing arises from the inflammatory contracture of masticatory muscles (usually temporary nature), and swallowing disorder - due to pain or difficulty passing food through the throat and inflammation of the tissues of the pharynx.

Of course, full compliance with the form of an abscess, cellulitis, and the nature of dysfunction, as described above, can not be, since the degree of functional disorders is subject to significant fluctuations, and, moreover, it changes as the disease. However, the correct analysis of the causes of dysfunctions localization facilitates recognition cellulitis and contributes to the establishment of an accurate diagnosis and, consequently, the correct treatment.

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