Ankle swelling after walking

ankle swelling after walking
Basically, such a problem as the swelling of the legs near the ankles of women are concerned. After all, as a result spoiled the appearance of their legs, and it is impossible to wear a dress or skirt. There are problems and with the choice of footwear. Narrow shoes or boots can simply not fastened or strongly squeeze the legs, which often leads to numbness. In general, any swelling - this accumulation of excess fluid in a particular area. Most often they appear just in the feet and ankles. There are many ways on how to deal with this problem.

What could be the causes of ankle swelling

The main cause of edema in the ankle region are mainly a variety of disease or disorder of certain processes in the body. They can be very dangerous. For example, congestive heart failure. That is why this problem is always necessary to pay attention, because it can tell a man of serious disorders and diseases of the organism. Including renal or hepatic failure, as well as lung disease.

If you do not pay attention to the signs of the organism, in the future the disease can manifest itself already more active and serious and lead to numerous human health problems.

Another common cause of edema - is transferred before any leg infection, thyroid problems, blood clots, venous insufficiency in chronic and varicose veins.

A less dangerous reasons - it bites Some insects, skin burns on his feet and even malnutrition. Sometimes ankles swell after taking any medication. It expresses the individual reaction to a new drug.

The accumulation of excess fluid and can cause long-term stay in the same position, especially on hot days. And, of course, the swelling is often concerned about the future mothers.

It should be noted that self pinpoint the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon is difficult. To do this, hold a number of different surveys. Man, as a rule, appointed to do a cardiogram, X-rays, to examine the kidneys and liver, as well as to give blood and urine samples.

Arthritis or subluxation of the joint with the further development of osteoarthritis

If your doctor has set one of these causes swelling of the ankle, the patient needs urgent treatment. As a rule, in addition to arthritis inflamed ankles and other joints. Not only does it swells, but still hurts, especially at night, towards morning. But in the daytime pain only visible when walking and much less pronounced.

If the time is not right to start competent treatment, the consequences for the patient may be the most pitiable.

After running

Sometimes, the swelling in the area occurs after intensive sports training, especially after the run. This occurs most often as a result of wearing incorrect uncomfortable shoes. That is why it is very important to carefully choose running shoes for physical activity. Modern sports shops offer their customers a special running shoes. However, many people ignore such proposals, considering that for this purpose you can use any shoes.

In fact, sports shoes should be created with all the features of the human body so that the load on it is optimally distributed.

In addition, physical activity should be individually selected for each person. Do not overload yourself too and run around the stadium to the last breath. In the measure is necessary.

From the bite

Sometimes after the bite of an insect in the area there is a noticeable swelling of the ankles. For a start it is necessary to try to remove with the help of ice. To this ice wrapped in a thick fabric, and then applied to the bite site. The same area is also possible to wipe any alcohol tincture. Alcohol not only disinfects, but still able to stop the bleeding and anesthetize the wound site.

ankle swelling
When sting venom injected into the skin, and then there is swelling and redness appears. To strengthen it, the wound should not be touched, let alone scratching. This increase during their healing. Get rid of the itching will help warm water and baking soda, which can be cleaned with the bite.

Swelling after insect bite in the ankle can be stored for very long, up to 2-3 weeks, which sometimes leads to problems with blood vessels as a result of circulatory disorders. So do not leave the problem to chance.

Stretching ankle ligaments

In this tension manifested swelling very quickly, because bleeding occurs. The person feels severe pain in the art, it is especially pronounced, if we try to deploy inward stop. Help the patient in this case can only experienced specialist. Self-medication to engage in any case can not be under tension.


And, of course, the swelling may indicate a fracture of a bone. As a result, the ankle fracture, it can immediately very swollen. Decide fracture it or simply strong stretch is only by a doctor. Perhaps it will take a picture and just any survey.

Folk remedies to reduce puffiness

If no serious reasons for the swelling there, you can try to simply reduce the amount of water drunk each day, as well as to use less salt. The best thing at the time of treatment to completely eliminate from your diet alcohol.

You can, for example, freeze chamomile broth cubes and then wipe them edema places. And always at the end of the day to give the legs a rest, putting them on a small hill.

To help cope with the swelling and can special salt baths, where the temperature does not exceed 35 degrees, and the alternation of hot and cold shower.

If you always keep an eye on their health and only wear comfortable shoes of high quality, then such problems will never bother you.

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