Deficiency diseases

deficiency diseases
Deficiency disease is a pathologic condition in which there is a shortage of one or more vitamins in humans. At the same time, three versions of failure can be identified: subnormal software, vitamin deficiencies (low maintenance) and beriberi (complete lack of).

The first option (subnormal security) is the initial stage of the development process. This will only occur some irregularities in biochemical processes. This form of vitamin deficiency often occurs in healthy people. For example, such as students, workers, the elderly, and so on. D. For subnormal security characterized by the fact that such a condition can be corrected without too much difficulty with just a balanced diet. Applications synthetic vitamins are not required.

Hypovitaminosis is a reduced content of vitamins in the body. Depending on what it lacks vitamin, symptoms manifest and be. But there are a number of features common to all of hypovitaminosis. These include loss of appetite, fatigue, decreased performance, drowsiness, and so on. D.

Avitaminosis are pathological states in which there is a complete lack of a vitamin in the body. In this state, the symptoms will be pronounced. But again, they will differ, depending on what kind of vitamin absent. This pathological condition is most common during prolonged starvation.

The main causes of vitamin deficiencies

I must say that there are four main groups of factors:
  1. alimentary deficiency (low vitamin content in a particular product or food, taken as a whole day; the destruction of vitamin when cooked food; the destruction of vitamin at the wrong long-term storage; action avitaminnyh factors)
  2. inhibition of intestinal microflora, which is itself a "mini-factory" for the production of certain vitamins. For example, vitamin K.
  3. bad or complete malabsorption of vitamin in the human body
  4. an increased need for certain vitamins. This, for example, the case of pregnancy, in the healing of any injury in children, in the presence of any disease, etc.

Types of avitaminosis

causes of vitamin deficiencies
Vitamin deficiency of vitamin A. This vitamin acts out an important role in the normal functioning of the body, so its deficiency causes violation of it in the visual analyzer. The "night blindness" (deterioration of twilight vision), dry mucous membrane of the eyes (gritty, burning, discomfort), due to constant scratching which may even form sores. The importance of this vitamin for the skin and acts out. If it is missing, the skin becomes dry, with small abscesses and inflammation, it can be shelled. If a lack of vitamin A, there is a child, it will slow down its development, there may be disturbances in the nervous system. Also in this type of vitamin deficiency will decrease the immune system, which is fraught with increased morbidity.

Vitamin deficiency, associated with lack of vitamin B group will be manifested by insomnia, mood swings. There are disorders of the digestive system in the form of constipation or diarrhea, appetite disorders. The mucous membrane of the mouth inflamed in this pathology. " 'Ll pick" will appear.

Lack of vitamin C showed increased fatigue, decreased performance, drowsiness, reduced resistance to infections. Also it reduces the skin's elasticity. From a small shock will form a significant bruising and bruising. Deteriorating eyesight. An extreme form of vitamin C. Scurvy can be called the development of the disease, the main feature of which will be bleeding gums and tooth loss.

Lack of vitamin D will likely cause disturbances in the musculoskeletal system. If we talk about children, they will have seen the development of rickets, fatigue, sweating, it will be broken formation of the skeleton and teeth. In adults, due to the lack of this vitamin is observed brittle bones, pain in the musculoskeletal system, tooth decay. It is important to remember that the lack of this vitamin can cause the development of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and even cancer.

With a lack of vitamin E in the body are disrupted reproductive organs, as well as the observed changes in the liver - fatty degeneration begins its cells.

With a shortage of vitamin PP suffers in the first place, the digestive system. Immediately there an aversion to food, there will be a dryness of the mouth, vomiting, disturbance of a chair. In addition, significant violations will occur in the stomach. Thus, this body will cease to secrete gastric juice. The general condition is much worse. In addition, the violation will be visible and on the skin. The skin becomes rough to the touch, there will be areas of depigmentation.

Since the main cause of vitamin deficiency remains unbalanced diet, the main measure of its treatment is just the correction of their diet. Proper nutrition, by the way, and will be the measure of prevention of the condition.

So, first it must be said that the basis of the diet should be a more simple products, which will be the minimum possible culinary processing. It should be consumed in food from porridge whole grains, and bread made from wheat flour. Of course, we should not forget that there should be as much as possible a variety of fruits and vegetables. And, of course, can not be excluded from the diet meat products.

Also, for the correction of possible use of synthetic vitamins, but it is better to give preference to food products.
Expert opinion: In recent years, debate about the fact that even with full power can not provide a complete set of all the vitamins and minerals. Sometimes, to provide the daily requirement of this or any other beneficial substances, it is necessary to eat several kilograms of food a day. For example, to provide a daily calcium needs of people a day should eat 1 kg of cottage cheese.

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