Attention seeking personality disorder

attention seeking personality disorder
You can often hear that overly emotional or eccentric people are called psychopaths. The true meaning of the term hardly anyone thinks. Psychopathy is a serious violation is determined by the overexpression of one of the personality traits with the underdevelopment of others. In the western classification more than use the term "personality disorder" and not a "personality disorder." In this diagnosis includes a plurality of the similar not disorders.
Personality disorders are complex and deep-rooted rigid maladaptive personality traits that determine the specific perception and attitude toward self and others, the reduction of social adaptation and, as a rule, the subjective emotional discomfort and distress.

The reasons on which they occur most often in adolescence or even in childhood, and every type of personality disorder has its typical age of formation. Since the beginning of its inception, the maladaptive personality traits already have delineated in time and permeate the entire period of adulthood. Their existence is not limited to any aspect of the operation, and affect all areas of personality - emotional and volitional thinking, interpersonal behavior style.

The main symptoms of a personality disorder:

  • The totality of pathological character traits that manifest themselves in any environment (home, work);
  • The stability of the pathological traits that are identified in childhood and persist to adulthood;
  • Social maladjustment, which is a consequence of pathological character traits, not due to unfavorable environmental conditions.
Personality disorders are found in 6-9% of the population. Their origin is in most cases is ambiguous. Their development is playing the role of the following causes pathological heredity (especially alcoholism, mental illness, personality disorders in the parents), all sorts of exogenous organic impact (traumatic brain injury, and other not gross brain damage before the age of 3-4 years, as well as pre- and perinatal disorders), social factors (unfavorable conditions of upbringing as a child, as a result of the loss of parents or upbringing in an incomplete family, with parents, do not pay attention to children, patients with alcoholism, antisocial personality, having the wrong educational settings).
In addition, the following features are often marked and neurophysiological functioning neyrobiohimicheskogo: Stock symmetric bipolar EEG theta waves, indicating the delay brain maturation; in patients with high levels of impulsivity detected improving certain sex hormone (testosterone, 17 estradiol, estrone); a general decline in the level of social activity of patients correlated elevated levels of monoamine oxidase.
There are many classifications of personality disorders. One of the main is the cognitive classification of personality disorders (other - psychoanalytic), which emit 9 cognitive profiles and associated disorders.

Paranoid Personality Disorder

Paranoid personality disorder. For human suffering from this disorder have a tendency to ascribe evil intentions to others; tendency to overvalued ideas, the most important of which is the idea of ​​the special significance of the self. the patient himself rarely asks for help, and if he was sent to relatives, then the conversation with the doctor, he denies the manifestation of personality disorders.
Such people are overly sensitive to criticism, is constantly someone unhappy. Suspicion and the general tendency to distort facts by misinterpretation of the neutral or friendly actions of others as hostile, often result in unreasonable thoughts about conspiracies, subjectively explain events in a social environment.Schizoid personality disorderSchizoid personality disorder is characterized by insularity, uncommunicative, inability to warm emotional relationships with others, decreased interest in sexual intercourse, a penchant for autistic fantasy, introversion systems, difficulty in understanding and mastering of the accepted norms of behavior, which manifests itself in bizarre actions. People with schizoid personality disorder usually live with their unusual interests and hobbies, which can achieve great success.
They are often characterized by enthusiasm for the various philosophies and ideas to improve life, schemes of construction of a healthy lifestyle at the expense of unusual diets or sports activities, especially if it does not have to deal directly with other people. In schizoid may be sufficiently high risk of addiction to drugs or alcohol in order to obtain pleasure or improve contacts with other people.

Antisocial personality disorder

Antisocial personality disorder is characterized by Noteworthy gross disparity between behavior and the prevailing social norms. Patients may have a specific surface charm and impress (most doctors of the opposite sex).
The main feature - continuously striving to have fun as much as possible to avoid labor. Since the childhood of their life is a rich history of antisocial behavior: lying, truancy, running away from home, involvement in criminal groups, fighting, alcoholism, anesthesia, theft, manipulating others for their own benefit .. Peak antisocial behavior falls on late adolescence ( 16-18).

Histrionic personality disorder

the main symptoms of a personality disorder
Histrionic personality disorder is characterized by excessive emotionality and the desire to attract attention, which manifest themselves in different situations. The prevalence of histrionic personality disorder in the population is 2-3%, with a predominance of women. Often it is combined with somatization disorder and alcoholism. Here are the main features that are typical of this disorder: the search for the attention of others to itself, the volatility in the affections, moodiness, an irresistible desire to always be the center of attention, to cause the sympathy or surprise (no matter for what reason). The latter can be achieved not only an extravagant appearance, boasting, mendacity, fantazerstvom, but the presence of these "mysterious disease", which may be accompanied by pronounced autonomic paroxysms (cramps, feeling of suffocation when agitated, nausea, Athos, numbness and other disorders of sensation) . The most unbearable for the patients - the indifference on the part of others, in this case, even preferred the role of "villain".

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

People with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder characterized by concern about the order, the pursuit of perfection, control of mental activity and interpersonal relations to the detriment of their own flexibility and productivity. All this greatly narrows their adaptive capacities to the outside world. Patients are deprived of one of the most important mechanisms of adaptation to the outside world - a sense of humor. Always serious, they are intolerant to anything that threatens the order and perfection.
Persistent doubts about the decision-making caused by the fear of making a mistake, they poison the joy of working, but the same fear prevents them change their place of work. In adulthood, when it becomes apparent that they have achieved professional success does not meet the initial expectations and efforts, an increased risk of depressive episodes and somatoform disorders.

Anxiety (evading, avoidant) personality disorder

For anxiety (evading, avoidant) personality disorder tend to limit social contact, a sense of inferiority and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation. Already in early childhood, these patients are characterized as overly timid and shy, they perceive a distorted attitude toward themselves, exaggerating its negativity, as well as risks and dangers of everyday life. It is difficult to speak in public or just refer to someone. The loss of social support can lead to anxiety and depressive and dysphoric symptoms.

Narcissistic personality disorder

Most clearly manifested in people with adolescent ideas about their own greatness, delighted by the needs of others and the inability to experience. The man does not admit that it can become the object of criticism - he denies it or indifferent, or enraged. It should be emphasized features, occupying a special place in the mental life of a person with narcissistic personality disorder: unreasonable idea of ​​their right to a privileged position, automatic satisfaction of desires; the tendency to exploit, use others for their own purposes; envy of others or belief envious attitude.

Therapy-related disorders characterological disorders, especially individual. When choosing a therapeutic modality, as a rule, it takes into account not only diagnostic and typological characteristics, but also the structure of personality disorders, the possibility of self-examination and subjective mediation of psychopathology, behaviors and reactions (aggressive and autoaggressive trends), the presence of comorbid personality and psychopathology, readiness and to cooperate long enough therapeutic alliance with the doctor (which is particularly important in individuals who avoid hungry for recognition and dissocial).
Numerous studies show the effectiveness of psychotherapy for personality disorders, as well as environmental and socio-pedagogical influences, harmonizing behavior and contribute to the achievement of a stable adaptation. Psychopharmacological agents as a method of correction of personality disorders - a relatively new concept. Psychopharmacotherapy in this case does not pursue the goal of complete symptom relief formed within the dynamics of personality disorders, its tasks are limited to the level of correction of hypertrophy of psychopathological manifestations patoharakterologicheskih formations. Accordingly, the treatment of personality disorders is performed on an outpatient basis, it is supporting character.


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