In dysfunctional families often emotionally grow up so-called difficult children.
You can say with confidence that the majority of the children feel maternal mood. If the mother is experiencing stresses situation, this is, of course, Affects the condition of the child: deteriorating sleep, the child may even abandon food. In this situation the mother should try to overcome irritability, Otherwise, central nervous system of the child would suffer greatly. It has been observed that, in children, Who grew up in the atmosphere, in the further slows down not only mental, But and physical development.
It can be defined and on physical appearance of the child. In medicine such condition refers to as a delay of pace of mental progress.
Risk of deterioration of such condition is that the future of the child may grow indifferent to others ' suffering person, so at that age a child should be given more attention. At the moment it has been proved that the mother's emotional state affects the child's development in the period of intrauterine development. When a child waiting with joy, he grows more prepared for life.
From all of the foregoing, it should be noted, that the environment, The conditions of child education largely predetermine the further destiny.
Some parents think that if a child is too small and is not aware of what his parents say, and you should not rush to his upbringing. However, we know that the tab character begins long before the birth of the child, and behavioral stereotype formed in infancy. All children are different in temperament. However, if the child is often capricious, most of all, in his education were made some mistakes.
Continuous adjustment of the educational action largely avoids deviant forms of behaviour that are often seen in puberty. If a child's mood is changing every minute, this is not a sign of emotional instability. This phenomenon is associated above all with the baby still does not know how to own your feelings. That is why he can spend hours playing quietly or, conversely, are rapidly running through the House, destroying everything in its path.
Observation may explain why parents always caprice child. Maybe he was tired or starting to develop some disease. However, parents cannot always explain the emotional instability of the child. First of all you should not get upset with time everything will come back to normal. Another thing, if the emotional instability is repeated day after day.
In this case, just need to see a specialist, who, along with friends and family can help children overcome emotional discomfort. Experiencing difficult situations with your child, you only have to bring their words and actions, as is often the case that the mother gives some behaviors, and my father - the other.
t is recommended to arrange the scandals when not child, because at this age, the baby still cannot determine who is to blame, and so in this confusion, a child often becomes nervous and irritable. In the upbringing of the child is not allowed to resort to shouts of â and intimidation. In protest, the child is shielded from the outside world, which leads to neurotic disorders.
Kid express their protest in different forms: for every request he replies in the negative, in some cases, rolls his tantrum, throws herself on the floor, pounding his head. Makes no sense to punish the child in this State, it will only exacerbate the situation. A better solution would be to try to calm him down, so he relaxed.
In any case, deviant behavior can be overcome by persuasion, and if they are the result of improper training, you should take steps to correct them. At this age, the child is interested in almost everything that surrounds it. For it is not enough just to hear and see, he needs tactile sensations.
The child wants to smash and destroy everything. Kid that age actively develops not only physically but also mentally. For example, often see a picture I saw some baby toy, but can not get it. He begins to think how to implement it, and reaches the goal.
By the end of the third year of life the child can already concentrate. This is reflected in the fact that if he became interested in something, it is hard to draw. It is better not to do that, as the child needs to know that his occupation - worthwhile and important. Parents should keep in mind that you can not ever make a baby. At this age, it is desirable to limit persuasion to influence the child's feelings.
Kids this age are distinguished by rich imagination. So, while playing an ordinary stick rider can become for him the horse. Better treat such acts of imagination, because seriously misunderstood by adults of the world of a child may lead to changes in the psyche. Shop a-toy-it's the .ru is the realm of toys.
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