Incubation period for cold

incubation period for cold
In the off-season dank and sick adults and children. But not always cause a cold. you can find the diagnosis of "SARS" in the medical record. What is it, what causes and how long is the incubation period for different types of viral infections will tell in this article.


They affect mainly the nasal mucosa. Intoxication sluggish. The source selection is a sick person, which fall either by direct contact or on shared objects. They are not stable outside the human body and die quickly when exposed to elevated temperatures, dezinfikatorov any acidic environment.

The incubation period can last from 1 to 5 days. All depends on the person's age and durability of immunity. The higher the body's resistance, and specific individual older, the longer this period. Children get sick faster.

Since viruses penetrate cells in the nasal mucosa, respectively, there is formed the site of infection. The first symptoms are sneezing, mucosal edema and the appearance of a light liquid discharge that becomes more viscous in a few days. The temperature can rise to 38 ° C, but it is not always present. Onset is usually not sharp, everything is progressing gradually. Recovery is on average a week.


They affect mainly mucous eye, respiratory tract, intestines, bladder shell, and lymphoid tissue. All this happens in turn. Intoxication in the early days of the medium, expressed moderately. The source typically is either the man or the surfaces with which it is in contact. By the external environment influences adenoviruses are stable enough.

The average incubation period lasts from 2 to 5 days. In some cases it reaches 1-14 days. In children, the immune status is much lower than in adults, so them more relevant medium term.

Symptoms following. Man starts a fever and a mark on the thermometer reaches sufficiently high values ​​(up to 39 ° C), at the same time or later manifest catarrhal phenomena: sneezing, cough, swelling of eyes, respiratory tract and redness. Then, the virus goes down below - in the bowel and bladder. It lasts general disease two weeks. Possible complications (especially in children) as bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, sinusitis, cystitis and so on.


Influenza viruses (mainly ill virus group A) striking the upper and lower respiratory tract. It is accompanied by severe intoxication. The source is a sick person or objects with which it is in contact. This virus is very contagious and is viable - it maintains its activity up to 4-5 weeks in the dust, and up to 7 days on the surface of things.

Typically the first signs to extend from 1 to 5 days. In some cases, it may take a couple of days more. But no matter how much lasted the incubation period, the beginning of the disease is always bright. Observed headaches, light and phonophobia, the heat rises to 40 ° C, and sometimes more. There is an ache in the joints throughout the body. Sometimes migraines and joint pain preceded by fever. Catarrhal symptoms are joined in a day or even two. Acute period passes after 3-4 days.

But the danger is not the flu itself and its consequences. Can join bacterial infections in the form of secondary pneumonia, meningitis, purulent sinusitis, frontal sinusitis. Sometimes reduced functionality of the heart and kidneys.

At normal body resistance to disease is declining in a week, and fully man recovers in 10-12 days. Contagious ill a short time - 4-5 days of the first symptoms.


Striking initially nasal mucosa and throat. Beginning mid-expressed moderately. Contamination occurs from a sick person with prolonged direct contact, but not in 100% of cases. In the external environment parainfluenza virus dies almost immediately. Effects of heat treatment and disinfection can not withstand.The average incubation period takes between 2 to 6 days, counting from the date of introduction of the virus into the cell.The first symptoms are a general catarrhal phenomena. But due to the fact that the microorganisms are gated to the respiratory tract, in most cases the first ill throat. Observed his swelling, redness and tenderness. Then there are discharge from the nasal passages, which are at first light, and later acquire a grayish color. The temperature does not exceed 38,5 ° C. Typically, the recovery occurs within 7-10 days after the detection of the first signs.

ARI and ARI: differences

period for cold
It is worth remembering that the ARI - a common name for severe infectious diseases that can be caused by viruses and bacteria. Explanation of the abbreviations - acute respiratory disease. SARS - a type of acute respiratory disease, which is caused by viruses alone. We can say that SARS - a more accurate diagnosis, and acute respiratory infections - a collective.Another important difference is the precipitating factor. When ARI - is hypothermia, after which the living organisms in the body are activated and begin to proliferate, while SARS - virus infiltration occurring after contact with the source of infection. With ARI symptoms appear brighter from the earliest days.In some cases, the examination, the doctor can distinguish from acute respiratory SARS appearance throat. If the cause of the disease were bacteria, the throat is bright red with white and yellow or white-gray coating on the tonsils. But, unfortunately, this is not always informative, because the symptoms are very similar in principle.Typically, the incubation period of acute respiratory disease is not much different from SARS. The only thing - the common cold sometimes takes less than one day before the first symptoms. Wet feet froze in the morning and in the evening a man may feel discomfort.It is worth remembering that no matter how much is the incubation period of acute respiratory infections, or SARS, to pinpoint the disease can only therapist.

Typically the first signs to extend from 1 to 5 days. In some cases, it may take a couple of days more. But no matter how much lasted the incubation period, the beginning of the disease is always bright. Observed headaches, light and phonophobia, the heat rises to 40 ° C, and sometimes more. There is an ache in the joints throughout the body. Sometimes migraines and joint pain preceded by fever. Catarrhal symptoms are joined in a day or even two. Acute period passes after 3-4 days.

But the danger is not the flu itself and its consequences. Can join bacterial infections in the form of secondary pneumonia, meningitis, purulent sinusitis, frontal sinusitis. Sometimes reduced functionality of the heart and kidneys.

At normal body resistance to disease is declining in a week, and fully man recovers in 10-12 days. Contagious ill a short time - 4-5 days of the first symptoms.

Prevention of SARS and ARI

Preventive measures include:

    avoidance of public places with a high incidence of overcrowding during periods of growth;
    frequent hand washing and irrigation of the nasal passages with saline or pharmacy with salt water;
    regular airing of the premises and wet processing using dezinfikatorov;
    wearing clothing for the weather;
    vitamins and the use of other methods to increase the body's resistance.

It is possible to use folk remedies such as garlic, onions, lemons and broth hips. With that goods, you will maximum protect youself rom big period of cold or maybe don't have it all.

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