What does menorrhagia mean

what does menorrhagia mean
Heavy periods (menorrhagia) are set as the diagnosis of prolonged and or heavy menstruation. Heavy periods are characterized as menorrhagia when lasting more than 7 days, the blood loss was 80 mL and above.

What is the cause of heavy menstruation (menorrhagia)?

Heavy periods can be caused by a variety of reasons that are dangerous to health and life in varying degrees.

  • Hormonal imbalance. Thus, in the group of risk of menorrhagia include first of all the girls in puberty and early menopause in women - it is in these two periods is carried out radical restructuring of the body, in which the possible malfunction of the endocrine system.
  • Violation of ovarian function. Lack of ovulation can also cause hormonal imbalances and, as a consequence, - heavy menstrual period.
  • Fibroids or uterine fibroids. Benign tumors of the uterus.
  • Polyps - small benign tumors in the uterus wall, which arise as a result of high hormonal activity.
  • Adenomyosis - a condition in which the endometrium glands embedded in her muscles. This causes severe pain and bleeding.
  • The use of an intrauterine device. Abundant monthly in this case - an undesirable effect which may be the reason for the removal of the helix.
  • Complications of pregnancy. Bleeding may indicate a miscarriage (rarely, when it occurred in the normal cycle time). The cause of heavy menstrual period may also be an ectopic pregnancy.
  • Cancer. Abundant month - a rare, but possible manifestation of diseases such as uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer.
  • Inherited bleeding disorders can also cause heavy menstrual period.
  • Drugs. Heavy periods can be caused by taking certain medications.
  • A number of diseases, including pelvic, thyroid, endometriosis, liver and or kidney disease can cause heavy periods.

What are the kinds of heavy menstruation (menorrhagia)?

Menorrhagia is divided into primary and secondary - depending on the reasons for the heavy monthly.

As there are abundant periods (menorrhagia)?

The menstrual cycle is different, but has a limit of normal:
Menstruation occurs every 21-35 days

Menstruation lasts for 4-5 days.

Total blood loss during these days is from 2 to 3 tablespoons (30 - 44 ml).

Heavy periods (menorrhagia) is defined as a period of one menstrual cycle a woman loses more than five and a half tablespoons of blood (about 80 ml), and more.

Menorrhagia also has other symptoms:

  • We have to change the lining (pad) each hour for several hours.
  • The need to change the pads at night.
  • The need to use two or more pads at a time for the protection against leakage.
  • Menstruation lasts more than 7 days.
  • Large clots of blood during menstruation.
  • There severe fatigue, shortness of breath during and after menstruation (symptoms of anemia).

How to diagnose heavy periods (menorrhagia)?

Heavy periods - a reason for examination by a gynecologist, who will also take the necessary tests on the smears (including Pap test). After examination, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound. There may also be assigned sonogisterogramma, curettage, hysteroscopy.

How to treat heavy periods (menorrhagia)?

The process of treatment of menorrhagia depends on the reasons for the heavy periods and bleeding patterns. When menorrhagia is not necessary to self-medicate, as this can aggravate the situation.

Heavy periods are subject to medical therapy, which picks up the doctor. With heavy menstruation, caused by hormonal imbalances, treatment is long-term combined oral hormonal contraceptives (COCs). COCs containing female hormones - estrogen and progesterone, and helps reduce the amount of menstrual flow, preventing the abnormal proliferation of the uterine lining (endometrium). Sometimes shows one component of oral contraceptives. Because of hormonal agents for heavy menstrual period is also used danazol (Danol, Vero danazol, dalogen).

For the treatment of menstrual disorders and administered anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen (Nurofen). They help to some extent to reduce the number and duration of the bleeding.

When heavy menstrual period due to fibroids, appoint etamzilat (Dicynonum) injections.

Heavy periods, in some cases, they are a symptom of a dangerous disease, require surgical treatment.

The more dangerous heavy periods (menorrhagia)?

Heavy periods, even when they are not a manifestation of the terrible disease, impair the quality of life of women. Heavy periods can also often cause anemia.

For the prevention of menorrhagia and its complications to all women need to maintain menstruation calendar. And it is necessary to mark him not only as the timing and duration of menstruation, but also the number and nature of the discharge.

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