Amino acid deficiency

amino acid deficiency
Methionine - one of the essential amino acids necessary for growth and maintenance of the body's nitrogen balance. The need for increased methionine dystrophy as a result of protein deficiency after dysentery and other diseases of infectious nature.

The biological role of methionine in the body

Methionine - an amino acid that promotes the assimilation of fat, not allowing them to accumulate in the liver and arteries. Therefore this substance has anti-sclerotic effect of reducing blood cholesterol levels. Methionine is characterized lipotropic effect, ie has the ability to cleanse the liver from excess fat, preventing its fatty degeneration.

When conditions involving impaired synthesis of phospholipids, this amino acid helps produce choline. Also provides methionine and cysteine ​​production of taurine, which is produced from glutathione. This compound effectively removes toxins, protecting the liver, which is especially important in case of poisoning. Methionine also activates hormones, vitamins and enzymes which have the property neutralizing various toxins.
Detoxification properties of methionine is particularly pronounced effect in respect of toxic metals.
Methionine improves digestion, strengthens muscles, reduces the effects of drug treatment of rheumatoid arthritis easier for toxicity during pregnancy. An important property of this compound is effective neutralization of free radicals, because the sulfur contained in the amino acid has a marked antioxidant effect.
Methionine protects against the harmful effects of radiation on the body.
amino acid
Methionine is associated with the development of creatine, adrenaline, and other biologically active compounds. Also, the amino acid involved in the synthesis of nucleic acids, collagen and other proteins involved in the construction of body tissues. This compound decreases the concentration of histamine in the blood that is used in the treatment of schizophrenia.

Methionine deficiency and its consequences for the organism

With a lack of methionine in an organism develops muscle weakness, increased risk of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system, possible abnormalities in the liver and gastrointestinal tract. To make up for the deficit of methionine is necessary to eat more products with its high content. These include beans, garlic, meat, egg, onion, seeds, dairy products.

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