Abscess mouth

abscess mouth
Peritonsillar abscess is an inflammatory process, which takes place in the tissues adjacent to the tonsils. The cause of peritonsillar abscess are pathogens. To begin the development of peritonsillar abscess just something and you need that lowered immunity. For more information about the symptoms and treatment of peritonsillar abscess medkollegiya tiensmed.ru (www.tiensmed.ru) will provide you in this article.
So just for no reason at all, you peritonsillar abscess appears. This is usually a complication of chronic tonsillitis or wrong the treated angina. During exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis tonsils formed scars that do not give a release pus from the gaps (the dimples is such that you can see on his tonsils). So the pus does not follow, the microbes find a way out into nearby tissue. These fabrics in its structure is not very compact, which facilitates the ingress of microbes. At the same time the small blood vessels to dilate, and the mucosa becomes swollen and red.

What are the symptoms of peritonsillar abscess there? Peritonsillar abscess almost never develops from two sides. That's like you have already recovered from a sore throat, but her throat hurt does not stop, and it seems, on the contrary it hurts more. The pain intensified and if swallowed (even liquid). Then you suddenly jumps temperature degrees to thirty-nine, and even up to forty. The pain intensifies and begins to "shoot" to the jaw and ear. You can not speak normally and sleep. Lymph nodes under the jaw swell, and if you look in the mouth, it is easy to markedly enlarged tonsils on one hand. Swell and the tissue around the tonsils, formed lump of red color. This swelling can reach a fairly large size and prevent even breathe through the mouth. Mouth peritonsillar abscess with broadly the same can not be opened.

Do not even try to cure this disease alone. Those methods that you normally is used to treat angina, with such an abscess completely effective. If not treated peritonsillar abscess, then, if you're lucky, it will reveal an abscess in the mouth and pus drained. At some time you feel that the state facilitated, but it is only temporary. In fact, it is not the whole pus flowed, most of it remains inside, the pus will continue to accumulate as long as the amount of it will not be critical and he again breaks. If you're not lucky, the pus will flow to the soft tissues of the pharynx, spreading infection.

In no case do not mess with this condition. Peritonsillar abscess is dangerous for its complications. The patient may start bleeding, blood infection or abscess develop neck. So if you or any of your family experience these symptoms, be sure to seek medical attention immediately.

abscess in mouth
What the doctor can help you? If the abscess is ripe, it will register you to start antibiotics. If a week is the treatment fails, it will be necessary to carry out the procedure for opening an abscess. In the same case, when a patient goes to a doctor to have ripe abscess, it immediately opened and clean the cavity of pus. After surgery, you will register broad-spectrum antibiotics, painkillers and drugs relieving temperature.
To prevent infection wounds required rinsing throat disinfectants (eg hlorofilliptom or furatsilinom).

Permission is granted to resolve special pills to relieve inflammation. Tiens Group in the pharmacy you can buy chewable tablets with propolis, which will help you not only faster cure any disease of the throat and oral cavity, but also to prevent their development. Chewable tablets with propolis from Tianshi is a natural and pleasant to the taste of the medicine.

Until full recovery you will need to eat only warm, soft or semi-liquid food. If you have time to see your doctor, you will be able to avoid complications and the healing process will take place quickly. Before use, you need to consult with a specialist.

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