Dermatitis on eyes

Causes of atopic dermatitis century

dermatitis on eyes
Atopic dermatitis century in most cases is the same reason - use of improper chemicals. Most often, this decorative cosmetics, skin care products or drugs in the form of ointments. That is why many lotions and creams should not be applied on the delicate and sensitive skin around the eyes. After contact with such substances are distorted immune response and inflammatory response begins.

Other causes include systemic allergic reactions such as conjunctivitis, wherein the inflammation can be located on the eyelids and under the eyes, and insect bites. However, it should be noted that allergic dermatitis age is extremely rare.

In connection with this disease, the symptoms which resemble allergic dermatitis age, is more serious causes. For example, it may be a bacterial and viral infection that occurs around the eye with a cold, or in the case of household items from another person (cosmetics, sunglasses, contact lenses, towel, etc.).

Symptoms of allergic dermatitis century

Atopic dermatitis century has the following symptoms:
  • First, the redness of the skin on the eyelids and around the eyes, accompanied by severe itching; sometimes over and under the eyes may appear blisters filled with fluid (these features are also characteristic of blepharitis, conjunctivitis and other infectious diseases of the eye);
  • Secondly, swelling around the eyes; It is enhanced by rubbing the eyes because of severe itching, so you need to try not to touch your eyes; the more that dirty hands can carry infection, which is treated much more difficult;
  • Third, in some cases, additional symptoms occur such as excessive tearing.
Furthermore, symptoms usually appear suddenly after use of new cosmetics, lotions, medicines, etc.

Diagnosis of atopic dermatitis century

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by ophthalmologists. It includes visual inspection and detailed questioning. Diagnosis is also aimed at checking and elimination of infectious diseases of the skin on the eyelids and eyes water, which will confirm the age of allergic dermatitis. Diagnosis may also include special allergy tests.

Treatment of traditional methods of atopic dermatitis century

Treatment of atopic dermatitis dermatologist assigned only after diagnosis confirms the disease. If it will not allergic dermatitis century, and any infection, self-treatment with medicines will allow micro-organisms to develop intensively.

Traditional treatment is carried out with ointments (topical treatment is considered to be the most effective) on the basis of human steroid hormones of the adrenal cortex. This may be mometasone, flumethasone, Mazipredon other means. A thin layer of the ointment applied to the skin under the eyes or eyelids from 1 to 3 times a day for a week and symptoms must decrease. Preference is given to exactly ointments, creams typically contain as additional substances that might enhance their own allergic dermatitis century.

Another important condition - is to stop using all of any cosmetic or skin care around the eyes. And after the completion of treatment, disappear when all the signs, it is better to replace all the usual special hypoallergenic cosmetics to prevent the recurrence of the disease.

Traditional methods of treatment of atopic dermatitis century

symptoms of allergic dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis century, as well as any allergic disease, can not be treated with folk remedies, since the proposed recipe may contain irritants. They, in turn, may increase the inflammation of the skin around the eyes and thereby exacerbate immune response. In extreme cases, the treatment can be performed by applying wet cool compresses (swab moistened with water) to soothe the skin.

Prevention of allergic dermatitis century

Proper preventive maintenance allows to completely avoid such diseases as atopic dermatitis century. In the first place prevention includes mandatory sample of each new purchased funds. For this small amount, for example, mascara or medicinal ointment is applied to the fold of the elbow or forearm from the inside (it is as sensitive as the eyelids). The sample is considered negative if after 30 minutes did not show signs of allergy - redness and itching.

In addition to application to the skin around the eyes is recommended to use hypoallergenic cosmetics, creams, etc. Prevention of allergic dermatitis century also implies strict observance of rules of personal hygiene. In addiction to the appearance of dermatitis on the eyelids and under the eyes should refrain from using someone else's makeup, glasses and towels.

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