How to get rid of a toothache

Many are wondering How to get rid of a toothache. Most include a toothache to the most stringent tests, which accrue to the common man, of whom want to quickly get rid of. Tooth pain is not always on time, and in some cases the doctor away and a long commute. In order to "survive" to meet with the dentist, curbed the toothache, please use some of the ways to facilitate attacks toothache.

How to remove a toothache at home

The causes of pain may be several. This may be a tooth decay, and the crack in the enamel. The first causes a toothache in the pulp or nerve, even if inhaled air the second brings unpleasant sensations when you try to eat hot or cold with a distinct sour / sweet taste of the dish. If the attacks of toothache will be long, it may be a head ache, swollen cheek and temperature jump.

Dry cracked feet. How to fix cracked heels

How to fix cracked heelsDry cracked feet indicate that the organism is weakened for some reason, lacks the vitamins and nutrients. And may all the fault of incorrect match or uncomfortable shoes, inadequate foot care, etc. However, in any case, keep your feet can not be ignored, and cracked heels is an urgent need to treat. 

The very first thing to do - is to visit a dermatologist for athlete's foot - a fungal infection. The doctor will either confirm the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment of a serious or eliminate it and prescribe ointments and recommend taking vitamins. A dermatologist can determine, and other infectious diseases as well as infectious nature. 

Adkins diet recipes

Adkins diet recipes
Adkins diet recipes. Sample menu Adkins diet
A variety of mouth-watering of the Adkins diet recipes can lose weight nourishing, tasty and comfortable. Choosing from the table authorized products, you can show imagination and experiment with them, depending on your food preferences. Feel free to buy new varieties of fish and meat, vegetables (check the amount of carbohydrates in them). Cook them a variety of vegetable soups, stews, salads, side dishes and mashed potatoes themselves invent new combinations and variations. Adkins diet recipes, as well as an exemplary menu there are so many, you can take over the following bases and match to your taste.

Adkins diet

Adkins diet
The Adkins diet, developed over 40 years ago by the American cardiologist Dr. Robert Adkins originally to fight their own excess weight for many years as famous. She helped to lose weight more than 50 million people, including her fans a lot of famous people such as Jennifer Aniston, Catherine Zeta Jones, Brad Pitt, Robbie Williams and many others.

Essence Adkins

The main essence of the Adkins diet, as well as a similar low-carb French diet Ducane is low-carb diet, in which the body is deprived of the main source of energy from carbohydrates, forced conversion to the processing of fat reserves. The main goal - to rebuild your metabolism so that the body is used to use fat as a primary source of energy, and to maintain a constant level of glucose in the blood and rid the person from food addiction and excessive craving for sweets.

Orange diet

Orange diet
What should not forget to mention the orange diet? In first, you need to know exactly that this sun fruit is not allergic, otherwise this orange diet is not suitable. So if after the first day of rash was found on the hands, and the face - swelling, then you should think about changing the diet. In second, should be borne in mind that the diet - low-calorie, and is much better to check with a doctor if your body is ready for this kind of food.

During the government of Louis XIV orange is a treat for the nobles and lords, the price was almost the weight of gold. As you know, the mistress of King every year for a few weeks only fed oranges, which cost him, or rather the country, a lot of money. While including in old age, they looked very good, possessed unrivaled forms and silky skin.

All the characteristics of an orange diet - our diet? Unbeatable! It remains only to choose which of the two types of diets we will do. First form is designed for 3 weeks and lost 3 kg within a week. 2 kind - is expected to express the correction, it is designed for 3 days.

One week diet

One week diet
In order to be in our body is not compromised metabolic control intake should be no less than 1200 calories. One week diet is the most common due to the ease of its implementation and a small time interval. Every person who is trying to cope with excess weight knows what the word diet. The general principle is to reduce calorie diet daily intake of 1,000 kcal.

Such a diet should be soft and offer slimming body as vitamin and mineral complex supplying the process. Caloric content of such a diet should support the functioning of the human body in normal, moderate physical activity.

What do hemroids look like

This article will help answer the question "What do hemroids look like?". The material in this article will show you graphically what kind of gets the disease at its various stages. Also, we will explain what the internal and external hemorrhoids.
Inflammation or thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal veins, which resulted in around the rectum formed units - this is the hemorrhoids.

The reasons why the disease occurs in both men and women are basically the same, they are:

  • Obesity;
  • Often resulting stress;
  • Inactive (sedentary) lifestyle;
  • Heredity;
  • Not a balanced diet (alcohol, spicy foods, coffee);
  • Exceeding the rate of physical activity;
  • Violation of the outflow of blood in the rectum;
  • Chronic or frequently occurring constipation;
  • The presence of inflammatory or neoplastic processes in the intestine or liver;
  • All sorts of infections.
In women, the emergence or worsening of hemorrhoids can be associated with pregnancy.

What is hemroid?

Types of hemorrhoids
 Hemroid - an inflammation and increase, as well as internal bleeding and loss of rectal venous plexus nodes. According to official figures, the whole earth is suffering from hemroid every seven people, or about 15%. But this is only the official! Not everyone immediately go to the doctor with this disease. We can assume that with hemroid facing a quarter of the earth!

And it's all because of the fact that most people running such a stereotype that on diseases of the rectum say uncivilized. So people go to the doctor only when the disease becomes advanced stage and the patient is tired to fight it. Hemroid refers to diseases that are equally likely to suffer from both women and men.

Who gets hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids can make each of us. But especially at risk the one who leads a sedentary life, suffering from constipation or obesity, indulge in anal sex, eating too much smoked, spicy, salty and spicy. Or even those who do hard sport or working on hard work.

Why do babies grind their teeth?

Why do babies grind their teethMore than half of the children from the beginning of the first eruption of primary teeth up to 7 years of age of primary teeth up to 7 years grinding their teeth, mostly at night.
The causes of such diseases as children's teeth grinding can be diverse and be of different nature. There is a common misbelief that gritting his teeth in children indicates the presence of parasites in the colon. In most cases, both of these phenomena can with each other not related.

What causes grinding teeth?

Doctors identify several reasons: nervous system disorders due to emotional stress, muscle spasm with joint problems, abnormalities of occlusion in children. In rare cases, bruxism can be the start of symptoms epilepsy. Grinding of the teeth was also observed in children whose parents have suffered from bruxism. Moreover, the male gender is more susceptible to the disease than women.

Cracked heels

Cracked heels treatment
Quite often, we have cracked heels. Everybody is trying to take care of their appearance. Typically, the focus is on the face and figure, but many people forget that the feet also require care. Most of all remember their state only with the onset of the summer season, when the shoes sandals, and after then the whole "beauty" in mind. And when you notice that your heels are not exactly healthy form of roughness, cracks and calluses - all this gives a lot of problems and concerns. That's why for my legs to be watched for a year in order to avoid unpleasant surprises. Cracked heels - a problem common and painful. Why they occur and whether there is a solution such trouble?

How to treat blood blister

How to treat blood blister
Very often, people have formed a blood blister, after which many are beginning to think about how to treat blood blister.

Blood blister is the most dangerous of infection in this corn can cause serious consequences, up to a blood infection. But before you panic, you should understand the causes of blood blisters and calluses from where blood appears.

How to remove corns on feet?

Corn on foot
Very often, we encounter a problem called corn or calluses. And many have a question: how to remove corns on feet?

Corns can be dry or wet. Wet corn accompanied by the fact that formation of bubbles filled with fluid or bleeding. Over time, in place of such calluses can form a rod that goes deep into the skin. These blisters are very painful and agonizing.

Sometimes even referred to as corns calluses. The reason could be walking barefoot on hard ground or uncomfortable shoe soles. Chronic corns are the result of flat feet. You can not fight with a rod calluses, removing them could specialist who is armed with laser therapy. Available from corns can be removed in the pedicure room, but you can at home.

Symptoms of laryngitis

Laryngitis - the medical term for inflammation of the larynx. Some of the causes and course of the disease is not complicated. Others should alert and require special treatment. Laryngitis affects both adults and children. Among adults, distributed a "professional" look laryngitis.

Laryngitis. Common symptoms of laryngitis

The first symptoms of laryngitis patients usually do not take seriously or confused with other diseases. This leads to a chronic type of disease.

Dental root caries

Dental root caries tooth: an unexpected and unpleasant

Dental root caries
With the decay of the tooth root may experience a sudden, coming to the dentist complaining of tooth sensitivity. Typically, this tooth appears on the sides and is not visible to the naked eye. If the doctor is suspected root caries tooth, x-rays can help here - to determine its presence and the affected area. Caries can also start with the neck of the tooth - right around the gums, and bring discomfort to the owner. The complexity of root caries is that we need to work carefully, without touching the gums. Those who have had such problems, an answer to the question: how easy it is solvable?

Dental hygen

Dental hygen
The health of our teeth and gums depends on dental hygen. The value of daily oral hygiene is difficult to overestimate, but it is often easy to overlook the loss of teeth and to pay even at a young age. So that the assertion of dentists that one of the most effective and at the same time easy way to prevent dental disease is the proper and regular dental hygen and oral health in children and adults, as relevant as ever. We should not forget the fact that hygiene should not be limited only brushing teeth at home.

Preventive oral health is a complex event, which includes daily cleaning and dental hygienist and a visit at least once a year. The fact is that for keeping your teeth and gums in a healthy state should be timely and proper removal of dental plaque, as well as a thick coating on the tongue. Food waste and soft plaque can be removed with a toothbrush and toothpaste. But the removal of tartar (mineralized dental plaque) is a dentist with special tools and instruments, such as, Air Flow. In this regard, a comprehensive oral care implies a individual and professional hygiene.

Caries risk assessment

Caries risk assessmentDentistry, in general, as well as caries risk assessment, and any of its member, preventive dental care program includes a key point, which is to assess the risk of diseases of the teeth and mouth. In the case of dental caries, the risk is considered, depending on various factors influencing the caries process itself.

Individual caries risk assessment:

It is important to consider the individual and the factors that exist in each patient is:

  • Systemic effects;
  • Way of life;
  • Dental disease caused in the past.

Family dentistry

Family dentistry
In the 19th century the notion of family dentistry was known to everyone. Families who watched a family dentist, was considered a powerful man and enjoyed prestige in society. In these hectic times, this tradition, unfortunately, out of date, but still. you can meet a lot of families who are united and cohesive team akin attend one dentist.Family therapy allows the doctor over a lifetime watching the genealogical line of the patient, track and identify a genetic predisposition to a particular disease, and to monitor your progress from time to time to make some changes.

Facts about tooth decay

There are quite a lot of facts about tooth decay. This is a very ancient disease, it was discovered the turtles belonging to the bronze age, and there was no dental clinics, that's something people were martyred. This is an extremely common disease that 99% of people are living on the Earth. In addition, there is a very mysterious cavities more than 400 versions of its origin.

The stereotype is that the abundance of sweets causes tooth decay, it is not true. The main importance is the frequency of consumption of sweets and duration of placement in the mouth. 

Healthy eating

Healthy eating - mainly varied!

 "Food and drink keep body and soul together" - who has not heard the saying? But what about our knowledge about nutrition? Feed us healthy, wholesome, balanced? What is meant by "healthy eating"?

Eating well is one of the most beautiful things in life and is very important for our quality of life. After all the scandals surrounding BSE, genetic manipulation and hormone treatment, it is still possible to enjoy and more important to feed naturally. Even the experts in nutrition is as agreed. Under healthy eating is understood today a varied, balanced and fresh mixed diet, which may still be prepared imaginatively. It is recommended to use more vegetable than animal foods and only small amounts of fat, salt and sugar. Much fluid is essential here are water, teas, juices and the like meant - coffee, soft drinks and sweetened sodas are not. Eat also more versatile and varied, with plenty of leisure, they are a healthy diet pretty close!

10 simple rules for a healthy diet

Kefir diet

Kefir Diet
If the yogurt is so useful, perhaps, kefir diet is one of the most comfortable, enjoyable and efficient?

If you ask to find a recipe kefir diet, it is possible to find this diet in dozens of variations. Half of these diets, I would not recommend to anyone because of their futility and harmfulness, the other half is clearly on the move invented by, not related to nutrition, and only a few options kefir diet worthy to read them in detail.

How to lose 20lbs?

How to lose 20lbs
How to lose 20lbs in a month - the question is incredibly relevant for all those who urgently need to bring your body in order (before the wedding, anniversary or other event). Or just to not be spending much time to get rid of extra pounds.

Specialists recommend dropping weight to start moving to the ideal figure with different diets, the most popular and effective of which are the following.

RoHun Therapy

Are you ready to get on the floor, what erroneous thoughts and negative self-concepts in the way of his own happiness?

RoHun Therapy
RoHun therapy is an amazingly fast and transformative therapy, mixing both spiritual and psychological processes. This lead to new depths of personal knowledge and powerful energetic versions. RoHun is so profound that it changes your DNA while clearing blocks and patterns that have been with you for generations of your line, and past lives. This is an amazing and wonderful process of Enlightenment, which begins for those who are willing to her life to the fullest are meant. RoHun is done in stages and begins with 4 basic processes followed by more advanced processes. When starting the RoHun therapy it is important to complete the first four processes to ensure continuous growth and change. These are: The RoHun cards, which will be held the first session; RoHun cleaning process, which lasts 3 to 5 sessions; RoHun Skim who regularly a session until the client is ready for the Caged process is done, and RoHun Caged process that takes 4 sessions.

How to lose weight fast?

How to lose weight fast
There is much controversy about how to lose weight fast if you follow any kind of diet. One camp says that decrease is best achieved when you lose it slowly in a progressive pace of about one to two pounds per week.

Who wants to lose weight must be hungry too - right?

That's not true, at least not within a healthy weight reduction. The more you put yourself to the wheel, the faster you take naturally also. However, you can not expect miracles within 24 hrs.
Your body will signal the sensation of hunger, if something is missing. And you should also give him to ignore warning signs instead of permanently. With the threat of hypoglycemia by sudden hunger is no joke!
Your body from time to time but not immediately give supplies, but to wait for half an hour is still encouraged. So learn your body to get used to fixed meal times and wait even with a slight feeling of hunger even more, without the need to insert an unnecessary snack.
Beware of the yo-yo effect

Baby bottle tooth decay treatment

There are a number of problems that affect the oral health of children, including tooth decay, thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, lip sucking, and early tooth loss. Even though baby teeth are eventually replaced with permanent teeth, baby teeth stay healthy is important to a child's overall health and wellbeing. 

Baby bottle tooth decay treatment 
Baby bottle tooth decay
Baby bottle tooth decay (also called early childhood caries, nursing caries, and nursing bottle syndrome) occurs when a baby teeth in frequent contact with sugars from liquid carbohydrates, such as fruit juice, milk, formula, fruit juice diluted with water, sugar water or other sweet drink. Breast milk can cause tooth decay as well. As these liquids break down into simple sugars in the mouth and allowed to sit in the mouth, bacteria start feeding on the sugars, causing tooth decay. If left untreated, decayed teeth can cause pain and make it difficult to chew and eat. Also, baby teeth serve as "space savers" for adult teeth. If baby teeth are damaged or destroyed,

Caries detector

Caries detector
Timely and accurate diagnosis of caries is a major problem in modern dentistry. At an early stage of the disease is difficult to diagnose caries. There are also subtle forms of tooth decay, for which timely diagnosis of the disease is difficult. In order to facilitate the detection of dental caries in the early stages of the disease, as well as to simplify the differential diagnosis of caries were invented special detectors caries. They are able to detect the earliest manifestations of decay, in which are no external signs. In this case, caries indicator with absolute certainty can be concluded about the presence or absence of the patient caries.

The essence of the caries detector is that when applied to the surface of the teeth were stained carious tooth tissue, leaving healthy tissue white.

Can tooth decay be reversed

Can tooth decay be reversedDental hygiene and oral health is one of the most important aspects of the physical and physiological health. Few people know that with proper oral hygiene, you can significantly increase your life expectancy. It is often associated with the elimination of diseases that begin in the teeth or in the mouth, and can interfere with the normal functioning of the immune system, which is already becoming less active, because with age, the body weakens. Here is a list of the major health problems of the mouth, you can eliminate.

Periodontal disease and root caries

Periodontal disease and root caries often meet seniors
Many people develop with age, degeneration of the gums and jaw bone or suffer from gum disease. Cause is often untreated periodontitis but also treated. The mostly non-inflammatory process in single or multiple teeth but sets free the root surfaces (root surfaces). They are more susceptible because of individual tooth structures to decay than others enamel surfaces. A change in the chemical composition of dentin and cementum due to mechanical irritation by:
  • Incorrect or rigid brushing
  • Too hard toothbrushes and toothpaste abrasion-promoting (eg, teeth whiteners)
  • Gnashing of teeth
  • Far outsiders teeth in the jaw bone with little or less jawbone support
contribute to an increased susceptibility to root caries.

Dental caries definition

Dental caries definition
Dental caries definition
Wherein the dental caries is a dental disease, which is characterized by a microbial degradation of the tooth structure by external influences. This is in the further course of the disease so damaged that it can lead to a loss of the affected teeth. Popularly known as "tooth decay".
Dental caries is one of the most common infectious diseases, interact in their formation several causes. The four most important factors for the development of caries bacteria, food, time and the tooth as a host. Cause of the formation of the dental caries are adhering whitish coating, referred to as "plaque." This plaque forms within the shortest possible time, even on a clean tooth and contains different types of bacteria, including the so-called Leitkeime of caries - streptococci (Streptococcus mutans) and Lactobacillus.

Early childhood caries

Early childhood cariesIncreasingly children will develop as early as the second year of primary teeth. The main reason for this is the drinking of sugary beverages, especially tea, juices and soft drinks of all kinds, which are served with the small children of the baby bottle or drinking Learn Assen day and night. Beginning with the upper deciduous incisors, this drinking habit lead to the complete destruction of all primary teeth. For frequent consumption of fruit juices, this process is very fast, because the fruit acids attack the tooth surface very quickly. On this roughened surface, the caries-causing bacteria from adhering and low sugar fruit juice acid form that cause tooth decay. As the mother whitish usually the early stages of tooth changes in the form of roughness, and brownish discoloration does not perceive or do not know, she usually looks much too late with their child to a dentist.

Chronic migraine treatment

Chronic migraine treatmentMany patients already diagnosed with migraine are asking, is it possible to cure the disease completely. Unfortunately, completely get rid of migraines is not possible, as there is no "magic" pills for a headache. However, rationally chosen physician treatment can significantly reduce the suffering of most patients.
Not every patient with migraine is excited to see a doctor (in the United States to a doctor about your migraines treated 35% of patients in Europe-17%)
The barrier for a visit to the doctor is not so much a lack of consultation, how much the patient's lack of faith in the possibility of improving the course of migraine and the fear of misunderstanding on the part of the doctor. Therefore, most patients with migraine self-medication, which not only fails, but also causes complications.

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