What foods contain folic acid. Table B9 vitamin content in food

what fruits have folic acid
Folic acid or vitamin B9 (which is the same thing), let's just -. "Vitamin of the leaves" In Latin, the word "list" sounds like "folikum" actually so, it is called "folic" acid. And because for the first time, scientists have identified vitamin B9 is green from spinach leaves. Folic acid is dissolved in water, it is quickly destroyed in the light and under the influence of temperature. When cooking, folic acid in foods is easily destroyed. Not only for vitamin B9 is pernicious even room temperature, if the products are stored for a long time. Therefore, to folic acid in foods preserved and hit the body, fruits and vegetables should not be stored for a long time, and stewed and boiled dishes should be preferred raw salads.

We'll tell you what vitamin B9, in which foods contain folic acid, what is its role and importance, the need of the organism in vitamin B9 in different periods of life, about what is dangerous deficit and a surplus of vitamin health B9, and of course about how to keep its useful properties.

There are a number of reasons why it is important to get enough folic acid. The most important of them are cell growth and regeneration of cells. In a recent article in the New York Times folic acid it has been named one of the "rich trace elements" found in food. Studies show that lack of folic acid can lead to mental disorders associated with depression. Folic acid is needed for the body to perform many important functions, including nucleotide biosynthesis in cells, the synthesis and repair of DNA, production of red blood cells and anemia prevention. As is known, folic acid, or vitamin B9, is used in the prevention of fetal malformations, Alzheimer's disease and some cancers. Fortunately, the problem with folate deficiency is practically not observed. There are many foods that are rich sources of folic acid. The following is by no means an exhaustive list of foods rich in folic acid.

Dark greens. Not surprisingly, the healthiest foods on the planet and are one of the richest sources of folic acid. To get more folic acid, add spinach, collard greens, kale, turnip, and romaine lettuce in your daily diet. Just one large plate of delicious greens can provide you the daily requirement of folic acid. Below is a brief list of green with a high content of folic acid.




Процент от
дневной нормы
  Шпинат  1 чашка  263 мкг  65,0%
  Салат  1 чашка  177 мкг  44,0%
  Репа  1 чашка  170 мкг  42,0%
  Горчица  1 чашка  103 мкг  26%
  Салат Ромен  1 чашка  76 мкг  19% 

Asparagus. In addition to excellent flavor, asparagus, perhaps the richest in folic acid product in the plant world. One serving of cooked asparagus will give you 262 mg of folic acid, which is about 65% of daily consumption rates. In addition to delicious snacks and a fair dose of folic acid, you also get a full set so the body needs nutrients, including vitamins A, C, K, and manganese.




Процент от
дневной нормы
  Папайя Один плод 115 мкг 29,0%
  Апельсины Один плод 40 мкг 10,0%
  Грейпфрут Один плод 30 мкг 8,0%
  Клубника Одна чашка 25 мкг 6,5%
  Малина Одна чашка 14 мкг 4,0%

Broccoli. Not only that broccoli is considered one of the best products for the detoxification of the body, but it is also an excellent source of folic acid. One serving of broccoli provide you with approximately 24% of the daily requirement of folic acid, not to mention a number of other important nutrients. Broccoli is recommended to eat raw, boiled or lightly steamed.

Citrus. Folic acid rich in many fruits, citrus but in this respect champions. Particularly rich in its oranges. One orange contains about 50 micrograms, and a large glass of orange juice can contain even more. Other fruits that are rich in folic acid can be isolated papaya, grapefruit, grapes, bananas, melons and strawberries. Here is a short list of vegetables with a high content of folic acid.

Beans, peas and lentils. Beans and legumes are different especially high in folic acid, including lentils, pinto beans, green peas, black-eyed peas and beans. A small bowl of any kind of lentils will give you almost a full day of folic acid rate. Here is a brief list of legumes that contain the greatest amount of folic acid.




Процент от
дневной нормы
 Чечевица  1 стакан  358 мкг  90%
 Фасоль пинто  1 чашка  294 мкг  74%
 Бараний горох  1 чашка  282 мкг  71%
 Черная фасоль  1 чашка  256 мкг  64%
 Белая фасоль  1 стакан  254 мкг  64%
 Фасоль  1 стакан  229 мкг  57%
 Фасоль лима  1 чашка  156 мкг  39%
 Горох  1 чашка  127 мкг  32%
 Зеленый горошек  1 стакан  101 мкг  25%
 Зеленая фасоль  1 чашка  42 мкг  10%

Avocado. The most favorite vegetable Mexican dishes, buttery avocado contains 90 micrograms of folic acid per cup, which is up to 22% of your daily needs. Avocados are not only one of the best foods rich in folic acid, but it is also an excellent source of fatty acids, vitamin K and dietary fiber. Adding avocado to sandwiches or salads, you will not only enjoy the food, but also health benefits.

Okra. Okra (gumbo) is also one of the vegetables, the richest in nutrients. In addition to vitamins and minerals okra contains dietary fiber, which is purified from the digestive tract toxic deposits help lower blood cholesterol, improve digestion. And, of course, okra - an excellent source of folic acid. One serving of okra will give you about 37 micrograms of folic acid.

Brussels sprouts. Brussels sprouts are probably not the most preferred vegetable to our table, but to no avail. There is no doubt that it is one of the best sources of folic acid. In one portion of cooked Brussels sprouts it contains about 25% of your daily needs. Brussels sprouts are also rich in vitamins A, C, K, manganese and potassium. But even such an abundance of nutrients for some reason did not make the product popular.

Seeds and nuts. It does not really matter whether you eat or you are pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower or flax seeds, whether you eat them raw, germinated, or sprinkle them lettuce, anyway you get with a good portion of folic acid. Sunflower seeds, flax seeds and peanuts are especially rich in folic acid in one cup of seeds it contains up to 300 mg. Nuts are also rich in folic acid, especially a lot of it in peanuts and almonds. Below is a short list of the best seeds and nuts are high in folic acid.

Семена и орехи



Процент от
дневной нормы
  Семена подсолнечника  1/4 чашки  82 мкг  21,0%
  Арахис  1/4 чашки  88 мкг  22,0%
  Семена льна  2 ст. ложки  54 мкг  14,0%
  Миндаль  1 стакан  46 мкг  12,0%

Cauliflower. This cruciferous vegetable is usually regarded as one of the best suppliers of vitamin C, but it is also an excellent source of folic acid. One cup of boiled cauliflower will give you about 55 micrograms of folic acid, which is 14% of the recommended daily allowance.

Beet. Beets are an excellent source of antioxidants that provide detoxification, making it one of the best foods for cleansing the liver. This is an important reason to add the beets in your diet, the more so because beetroot is also known as one of the best suppliers of folic acid. Portion of boiled beets will give you about 136 micrograms of folic acid, which is 34% of your daily needs.

Corn. You might now find a jar of corn in the pantry. This popular vegetable also contains large amounts of folic acid. Serve cooked corn will give you approximately 76 mcg of folic acid, which is about 20% of the daily requirement. But, nevertheless, it is better to avoid from canned vegetables, and eat natural.

Celery. Celery is generally regarded as an excellent product that helps to fight with stones in the kidneys, but did you know that it is also an excellent source of folic acid? Just one serving of fresh celery provides you with about 34 micrograms of folic acid, which is 8% of the daily requirement.

Carrot. Carrots - a hugely popular vegetable that is likely to have in every home at any time. Just one serving of raw carrots will give you almost 5% of the recommended daily requirement of folic acid. Eat carrots as a snack or added to salads, to get folic acid more.

Pumpkin. Pumpkin may not be the most popular vegetable to our table, but we can not deny its nutritional value. By adding this vegetable in the diet, in winter and in summer you can get a considerable amount of folic acid. Pumpkin contains from 36 micrograms to 57 micrograms of folic acid per serving.

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