Assaultive behavior

assaultive behavior
Patients with problems of dementia may exhibit aggression in a variety of forms: too emotionally react to words or situations that threaten and insult, get into a fight.

How to respond?

Any manifestation of aggression, even if it does not involve physical harm, psychological damage caused to others. Learning how to react in such situations - a task of paramount importance. The first thing that can be recommended: do not take aggressive action on your account. Even though outwardly they are directed at you, it is only because you were close.

The patient does not change the attitude to you personally, and reaction to the world as a whole. These reactions patient is unable to control as they are associated with irreversible changes in his brain.

The ability to safely respond to the aggression and take control of the situation can not arise immediately. It will come with experience, if you make the effort. But several known methods for the first time will not interfere.

At the time of the aggression:
  • If you are thoughtful and otrepetiruete his reaction in advance, aggression will not catch you by surprise.
  • If all the aggression of a loved one was unexpected for you, do not succumb to the first pulse. It works well-known method: take a deep breath, turn away from the patient and count to ten. This will allow you to calm down and, to him.
  • Any emotional response will only aggravate the situation. Do not enter the fray, try to control yourself, to keep his composure.
  • Try to show their friendliness. Show that you understand his condition, you see that it is bad, and ready to help.
  • Instead of "symmetric" response of the patient, try to divert attention from the situation that caused the aggression. Since the control of attention in dementia is weakened, the chances of successful maneuver is very high.
  • If the patient is covered by a wave of negative emotions is not the best way is to try to lock him up or limit his mobility. This will further aggravate the situation.
After the aggression:
  • The most senseless act will be the punishment of the patient, for example, a demonstration of discontent and rejection of dialogue. Most likely, he had forgotten about the incident, and simply do not understand the reasons for the changed attitude. Try to behave as if nothing had happened.
  • When repeated attacks of anger, causing you serious concerns, consult a psychiatrist.
  • Pharmacological effects are not the best solution for patients with cognitive impairment. Sedative drugs inhibit aggressive behavior, but do not solve the problem that it provokes. In addition, they exacerbate some symptoms, negatively affecting the clarity of consciousness. If no other way, the doctor will prescribe medication, but in the future it makes sense to flexibly adjust the treatment, replacing the pills more gentle methods.
How to uncover the cause of the aggression
Try to compare the situation that preceded the manifestation of aggression. Perhaps you will find general. If you can not immediately try to take notes, which can then help to identify a pattern. To simplify the task, get acquainted with the list of common causes of aggressive behavior.

The patient shows aggression when:
  • he experiences fear or stress from an inability to perform usual activities. The realization of his inability to work with the same efficiency leads to internal conflict, which manifests itself in aggressive behavior.
  • he is aware of the loss of independence and loss of privacy. The patient is forced to take care in the most intimate procedures, which causes stress and attacks on others.
  • he feels the concerns of loved ones, their dissatisfaction with the penalties and errors committed in the performance of daily activities, and infected with the negative emotion.
  • he runs into trouble in a noisy crowded place (eg when guests arrive), or when he can not find their way. Stay in the new, as it seems, the place with strangers cause unnecessary anxiety in the patient and can generate aggression.
  • he feels physical discomfort (eg thirst), I feel pain or just tired.
Aggression can also be attributed to the loss of self-control and patient perceptions about the rules of behavior in society.

The earlier disclosed the reasons for the aggression, the faster and more successful you will learn how to prevent its manifestation.

If the cause of aggression is installed, it is possible to minimize its impact on the patient and to avoid unintended consequences.

How to prevent aggression

If the patient is unable to cope with the usual chores or performing them very slowly, Humble. To treat it safely, you need to accept it. If you just try to hide their discontent, it will sooner or later manifest itself and cause negative response.

Be aware that the perception of the patient changes due to illness. Obvious to you things are not for him. Explain to the patient their intentions and give him time to think. He now need much more time than before.

The assistance must be sensitive. Otherwise, it hurts and perceived with hostility.

how to prevent aggression
To criticize the actions of the patient - is another way to not only spend time wasted, but also cause aggression. It is best to avoid situations that condemns the patient to make a mistake. And if this happens, do not let your bitterness to express themselves.

Monitor the emergence of the first signs of hostility (severe anxiety, restlessness). In this case, immediately try to calm the patient, distract his favorite pastime.

Make sure that the patient regularly got to the doctor for the prevention of chronic illnesses. Constant malaise may also translate into aggression.

If you can not find the cause of aggression independently refer to a psychiatrist.

Even if you convince yourself not to react to challenging behavior, it displays a negative impact on your condition creates nervousness, tire, devastate. Therefore, care must be taken for the restoration of power immediately after the incident, and in the long run.

The decision to restrain emotions in yourself can bring you nothing but harm. It is better to try to make a sore. And if you did not stand and broke down, do not torment himself with remorse. Do not forget that you live in a state of stress. Talk with friends, share with them their experiences.

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