Aortic angiogram

The first symptoms of the disease

aortic angiogram
Peripheral arteries - the arteries of the lower and upper extremities. Most often, at atherosclerosis and other pathological states of the peripheral arteries of the lower limbs are affected artery.

The main symptom of lower limb arterial disease is pain in the legs when walking. Pain may occur in the hips, buttocks, knees, legs and feet, depending on the level of destruction of leg arteries. The incidence of peripheral arterial disease increases with age. At every third elderly person has a disease of the lower limb arteries over 70 years. Smoking and diabetes is several times increases the likelihood of developing this disease.

The most important in the body vessel is the aorta which branches into two parts, which are called the iliac arteries. Further, these arteries are divided into thigh, which supply blood to the lower limbs up to the fingertips.

Normally, the inner wall of the arteries smooth. However, with age as it is formed on the inner wall of atherosclerotic plaques narrows the lumen of the arteries and blood flow to the lower extremities deteriorates. The more of these plaques, the more pronounced narrowing of the arteries, and the stronger the manifestation of their disease. Eventually, such a state develops as chronic arterial insufficiency, which means lack of arterial blood flow to the tissues.

Indications for angiography

  • lower limb vascular disease (atherosclerosis, arterial aneurysms, deep vein thrombosis)
  • diabetic foot syndrome
  • occlusive disease of the aorta and iliac vessels
  • abdominal aortic aneurysm
Indications for angiography of the arteries of the lower extremities are determined by the attending physician, who appoints the necessary tests and studies, such as:
  • blood tests: general, blood group, of Rh-factor (Rh-affiliation), RW, HIV tests for hepatitis B and C
  • ultrasonic duplex scanning of the lower limb

The course operations

During the procedure, directly next to the patient and the anesthesiologist is kardioreanimatolog.

A study is under local anesthesia. Area catheterization is processed according to the rules of antisepsis. After the puncture site (puncture) the vessel about 1-2mm. introduced into the vessel sheath (a special plastic tube, allowing insert and remove the catheter, and others. Tools without undue injury to the vessel at the puncture site).

A catheter is introduced into the vessel radiopaque drug and at the same time for a given program starts high-speed X-ray photography.

When angiography is carried out constant monitoring, as the course of the procedure and the patient's condition.

Throughout the patient is in the minds of the procedure that allows professionals to maintain regular contact, to determine the condition of the patient and prevent complications. The duration is usually about a few hours or more.

After removal of the catheter to the area puncture compressive bandage is applied, and on the day appointed by bed rest. On the first day needs enhanced drinking regime to improve excretion of contrast agents (1-1.5 liters of mineral water without gas).

Due to the minimally invasive procedure, the rehabilitation period does not exceed one day.

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