Primary amenorrhea causes

primary amenorrhea causes
Amenorrhea is characterized by the absence of menstruation and may indicate the presence of endocrine, neurological and gynecological diseases. Amenorrhea, as a variant of the norm, should be considered in cases such as pregnancy and lactation, age before puberty and after menopause. All other manifestations of amenorrhea indicate pathological course of the disease.

Amenorrhea is divided into primary, when menstruation has not yet appeared, and secondary when an established menstruation suddenly stopped for some reason.

Causes of amenorrhea

Causes of primary amenorrhea:
  • anatomic causes, such as abnormal structure of the genitalia and delayed development of the female reproductive system;
  • hereditary reasons, and violations of fetal development;
  • physiological causes, in particular unfinished puberty.
Causes of secondary amenorrhea:
  • emotional and mental disorders;
  • physical overload;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • the presence of tumor in the pituitary gland;
  • chronic adnexitis;
  • the formation of fibrous scar-structure in place of normal tissue;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • tumor formation in the fallopian tubes and ovaries;
  • disturbances in the metabolism of fats.

Symptoms of amenorrhea

The first and main symptom, indicating the disease is the absence of menstruation, resulting in reproductive disorders and infertility arises. These symptoms are characteristic of any type of amenorrhea, yet remaining specific signs point to a particular form of the disease.

Cryptomenorrhea usually occurs as a result of anatomical abnormalities accompanied accumulation of menstrual blood in the uterus and cramping pains in the lower abdomen, which lasts several days. At the same time, the woman may complain of headache, painful breast enlargement, and nausea.

Amenorrhea caused by pituitary tumors often manifest expiration of breast milk and neurological symptoms such as emotional instability, irritability, and headache.

Primary amenorrhea, which is characterized by genetic abnormalities, characterized underdeveloped genitals. In this pathology it is noted disproportionately high growth, long legs and a short torso.

In secondary amenorrhea, which is caused by endocrine disorders, a woman of reproductive age may disturb cardiac pain, hot flushes and unusual weakness. In polycystic ovary frequently observed obesity, excessive hairiness of the face and body, as well as an increase in blood insulin level.

The occurrence of any of the above symptoms may indicate serious disorders and health problems, so at the first sign of amenorrhea is necessary to pass a gynecological examination.


Diagnosis of ovarian hypofunction based pas inspection data, the state of sexual characteristics, and other hormonal methods. When hormonal studies revealed high levels of gonadotropins, low estrogen and progesterone compounds. For hypofunction before puberty is characterized by: eunuchoid physique, tall, late menarche, insufficiently marked sexual characteristics, underdeveloped genitals.

amenorrhea causes
Treatment of amenorrhia

Methods of treatment of primary amenorrhea
The main goal of treatment is effective removal or correction of the factors that have caused the disease. If abnormalities of physical development in a lifetime replacement hormone therapy. Delay reproductive and physical development needs a special diet, the effect of which is aimed at stimulating the menstrual function and capacity of fat and muscle mass. It should be noted that hormonal therapy should be performed only under the supervision of the gynecologist and endocrinologist.

Amenorrhea caused by anatomical reasons, treated with surgical removal of obstacles. The aim of this treatment is to create normal conditions for effective drainage of the uterus menstrual blood. If the disease is associated with increased emotional instability, prescribers to strengthen the nervous system.

Girls young age is not recommended to get involved in diets, since any restriction in the diet leads to deficiency of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, which significantly slows down the sexual development and contributes to amenorrhea. Also, girls should not be too carried away weightlifting, bodybuilding, martial arts and other power sports.

Methods of treatment of secondary amenorrhea
Amenorrhea caused by physical exertion or sudden weight loss requires a correction or a complete change of the whole lifestyle. Critical for adult women are by weight less than 50 kilograms, or the rapid loss of more than 10 kg body weight. In order to completely normalize menstrual function are assigned progestogen contraceptives which contain no estrogenic component. In some cases, secondary amenorrhea can be eliminated without hormonal treatment, subject to a rational mode of rest, work, nutrition, physical activity, as well as the normalization of psycho-emotional state.

Secondary amenorrhea occurred while polycystic ovary requires initial removal of the background of the disease using hormonal contraceptives or laparoscopic diathermocoagulation the affected body tissue. In any case, timely access to a doctor will greatly enhance the chances of successful treatment and prevention of possible complications, such as infertility.

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