Oxygen starvation of the brain: Symptoms and Treatment. Not enough oxygen to the brain

not enough oxygen to the brain
Hypoxia, more popularly known as oxygen starvation of the brain - a frequent phenomenon, which, as a rule, residents are facing big dusty city, as well as people working in confined spaces without adequate ventilation. As a result of these factors can disrupt the supply of oxygen to the brain.

So, the main symptoms of oxygen starvation of the brain:
  • drowsiness, occurring even after a long sleep;
  • a dull ache in the head;
  • slow thinking and memory impairment;
  • weakness throughout the body, dizziness;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • paleness of the skin and the appearance of a cold sweat;
  • frequent yawning;
  • causeless irritability;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • possible loss of consciousness.
These signs of oxygen starvation of the brain can be caused by other factors, such as stress. Also in the field of medical experts confirmed that the oxygen starvation has become particularly common in people smoking and regularly consuming alcohol.

In general, symptoms of oxygen starvation of the brain may be supplemented, depending on the type of hypoxia. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to see a doctor, as soon as he can on the results of surveys to determine what caused the failure of the body and what action to take.

Possible effects of hypoxia

Having dealt with the reasons, it is necessary to reflect on the real consequences of the disease, which can occur if all let things slide. People used to trust their health to relatives, friends, grandmothers at the door. And only when the "healing" tincture neighbors are powerless and become unbearable, all go to the doctor. It makes no sense to deny the useful properties of traditional medicine, but it has to be applied intelligently. Otherwise it turns out that "one cure, and another - cripple." Self-medication during hypoxia is no exception. The effects of oxygen starvation of the brain are not happy - from asthma and metabolic disorders, before the stroke.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. To enrich the body with oxygen will help to simple recommendations that can be used for the treatment of oxygen starvation of the brain, as well as for prevention. Among them:
  1. Walks in the open air. Ideal would be a walk in the park or in the woods for at least 2 hours before bedtime. But not everyone is able to devote as much time to their health. In this case, you can make a small walk home after work (for example, not to sit on the bus, and walk a few stops).
  2. Regular sport exercises. Everyone knows the benefits of charging, which helps to speed up blood circulation in the body. And if in addition to all move their classes to the street, as do the inhabitants of many European countries, the effect will be the maximum. And not to be bored, you can invite a friend.
  3. Compliance with the daily routine, in particular the need to devote sufficient time sleep and rest. Adult man to restore the body needs at least 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. It is also important to make small but regular breaks, especially if you have to constantly sit in front of a computer. This is useful not only for the view but also for the whole organism.
  4. Balanced diet. To prevent or cure lack of oxygen, it is necessary to think of the daily diet, which must necessarily include plenty of fruits and vegetables. It is important to eat foods containing iron, such as meat, dried fruit, herbs, buckwheat, rye bread, while reducing to a minimum the consumption of coffee and dairy products. Incidentally, we have become very popular so-called oxygen cocktails, which, if you believe the advertising, able to enrich the exhausted body with pure oxygen in a matter of seconds. How effective is the way - to judge you.
  5. The absence of stress. Of course, to prevent some of the negative events is simply impossible. But in your power to change your attitude toward them, looking at the incident with humor.
  6. Regular airing of the premises in which you work and relax. If possible, it is recommended to install air-conditioning with the function of air ionization, which enriches its useful micronutrients.

The main methods of treatment

oxygen starvation of the brain
Treatment of oxygen starvation of the brain requires consistency, complexity and regularity. Patients hypoxia administered as therapeutic and preventive procedures. Depending on the type and complexity of the disease, the doctor may recommend:
  • a course of herbal products that accelerate blood circulation and normalizing the patient's condition;
  • iperbaricheskuyu oxygenation. This is one of the additional therapies, the essence of which consists in placing the person in a special chamber, where there is high pressure effects on the oxygen;
  • directly medications.

Breathing exercises - an effective weapon against hypoxia 

If you have experienced the symptoms of oxygen starvation of the brain, but you do not have enough time and effort on walking, exercise, proper rest, there are breathing exercises - a very simple and effective method for the treatment and prevention of oxygen starvation of the brain. This procedure does not require special tools and a lot of time, and most importantly, that it can be done anytime and anywhere. So, a few exercises that help the body's oxygen saturation:
  1. Take a deep breath to 4 accounts for 3-4 seconds then hold your breath and slowly exhale. Repeat 10 to 15 times. After a few weeks it is recommended to gradually increase the time breaths.
  2. Try to take a deep breath and do not less than 7 short breaths through the nasal cavity. The mouth should remain closed. Repeat 2-3 times, then take a short break.
  3. After a deep breath, try to exhale all the air that has accumulated in the lungs.
Breathing exercises should be repeated 2-3 times a day. Many similar exercises with more detailed description is on the Internet. And if you decide to pull up not only the health but also the shape - feel free to go to yoga or Bodyflex: there you will not only learn how to breathe correctly, but also get a beautiful, firm muscles.

Breathe more often and stay healthy!

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