Fetal alcohol syndrom

fetal alcohol syndrom
Fetal alcohol syndrome (TSA) includes a plurality of psychophysical congenital defects due child female systematic use of alcoholic beverages before and during pregnancy. Children with TSA in the psycho-physical development defects occur at the moment of birth and remain until the end of life. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a major factor in violation of human mental development, and includes violations in the areas of brain disorders and diseases related to the functioning of the central nervous system, along with a variety of neurological disorders, mental retardation, intellectual disabilities and behavior; prenatal and / or postnatal growth retardation and weight; the specific structure of the face and skull: short, narrow structure of the eye slits, a thin upper lip, small head circumference and brain, the presence of "Mongolian fold" in the inner corner of the eye, cleft palate, hypoplasia of the upper or lower jaw.

Signs of fetal alcohol syndrome

Symptoms of ASP in neonates are similar to the symptoms of "delirium tremens" in adults. Children tend to be very irritable and anxious, grasping reflex is poorly developed, often have problems with coordination, resulting in difficulties with breastfeeding are observed. It happens so that the physical and mental abnormalities in the development are not visible at birth the baby. However, they can express themselves later on in the form of a lag of the nervous system and mental disability. Often, children with ASP are hyperactive, they often shake their head and body. IQ in children with HSA ranges from 65, indicating a moderate mental disability. Mental retardation is expressed in different ways and, as a rule, it can already recognize from school. 

The ability of children with TSA is below average, they have noted an obvious lack of attention, poor behavior. Educate affected ASP is extremely difficult children. Particularly difficult for these children are given the exact sciences, they can not think abstractly, to reason and to generalize. Teenagers suffering from TSA, have problems with memory impairment, they are often not in control of his actions, does not find a common language with other people, are in depression, often addicted to alcohol and drugs.

How alcohol affects the fetus?

Alcohol consumed by a pregnant woman, quickly passes through the placenta and reach the fetus. The action of alcohol to a greater extent affect the baby, because the amniotic fluid essentially performs the role of a tank. A child can not process alcohol as adults, so it remains in his body much longer. The central nervous system of the unborn baby and its brain is very vulnerable, they are easy to damage, regardless of gestational age. But particularly dangerous consumption of alcohol in the first trimester of pregnancy.

It was during this period is the formation of all organs and systems, and the use of alcohol can lead to irreversible consequences. Alcohol negatively affects the amount of growing cells, causing them to decrease. The brain of children with TSA less than the brains of healthy children. This is due to the particular vulnerability of the brain tissue to alcohol. Many mothers often wonder about the existence of a safe threshold of alcohol consumption. To date, experts can not identify 100% safe dose of drinking during childbearing. Accordingly, no safe threshold alcohol used does not exist. Psycho-physical abnormalities in a fetus with ASP is very individual, but almost always they depend on the gestational age, the amount and frequency of alcohol consumption. There is a misconception that only spirits like vodka or brandy is really dangerous for the health of the child. But this is not the case. Even alcoholic beverages potentially threaten the health of the child.

Tips for pregnant and close relative of alcohol

Here are some foods from the use of which should be avoided during the period of gestation of the child:
  • alcoholic beverages of any kind, as well as medicines and tinctures containing alcohol;
  • mouthwashes;
  • baked products containing alcohol.
  • it is not necessary to create an environment which encouraged to eat a pregnant alcohol;
  • try not to drink in the presence of a pregnant woman;
  • make sure that on a particular event is always attended by a variety of non-alcoholic beverages;
  • instead of evening gatherings in bars and cafes a walk in the fresh air, go for a visit or a movie.
These days, you can prevent the TSA, and it can be done through screening, suitable for all women of childbearing age and designed to detect the risk of the effects of alcohol on the fetus. This procedure allows to identify women who are at immediate risk, and using the respective counseling methods to reduce or completely stop drinking alcohol before the conception of the child. Dependence on alcohol for women is strongly recommended that specialized treatment, and women who are at risk, experts advise short-term intervention.
From the foregoing it is not difficult to sum up: if you want to carry and give birth to a healthy baby, totally abstain from drinking alcohol during pregnancy and after the birth, especially if you are breastfeeding. Agree, much nicer to enjoy a daily smile and laugh happy and healthy baby than to reproach herself for a moment of weakness, "miss by sip", the result of which can spoil a child for life.

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