Eastern poison ivy

Eastern poison ivy is the scientific name of ivy tox (lat. Toxicodendron radicans). This plant has no relation to a simple harmless ivy. They look very similar, so it is so called. It is often confused ivy and sumac. But sumac - it's lacquer tox in the form of a bush or tree. Those. they are very similar, but still different.

What is poison ivy?

Ivy belongs to the poisonous plants, touching the leaves that you can burn yourself or get other consequences - for example, as a general poisoning. It is poisonous all - and the stem and leaves, and flowers, and fruits.
But, in spite of the high toxicity and danger to human life, this ivy is considered a plant that has medicinal properties, and it is often used in medicine. Therefore it is necessary to get acquainted with this interesting and controversial plant so close, to know what the threats and benefits it hides.
This plant is very different from neighbors kind Toxicodendron Mill, having the form of a tree. Poison ivy is more like a vine, sometimes - a small shrub. He let his long, flexible stems on the ground or trees envelops them, using the additional roots.
eastern poison ivy
Similarly, all dangerous, poison ivy is very beautiful in appearance. In the warm season its branches are covered with large green leaves. With the advent of fall, they become red-orange. In early summer, the branches begin to appear yellow inflorescences, which in autumn turn into bunches of fruit - round white-green drupes. Homeland toksikondrona considered North America, from Mexico to Canada. In those places it is quite common to see in the forest or between shrubs. We also found two kinds of native poison ivy, and then - only in the Southern Kuriles. One of them is called the east, and the second - volosistoplodny. But the nature of their unfriendly. They are the same toxic and cause severe poisoning from touching.

How dangerous poison ivy? 

This plant has been studied quite poorly, and there is an opinion of him is different. And if we talk about domestic species - they have not explored at all. But just understand that it secretes a fluid which is called latex. In the air it turns black, and that it is very poisonous. According to a group of scientists, this juice is in your part of the resin, which is called urshiolya. Others argue that the substance which contains the juice - it is a derivative of phenol. There is a third view - the juice called toksikodendrolovoy acid, and consider it to be a mixture of glycosides. Another well-known fact that in the bark of these plants contain a poison called lobitin.
As if this substance is called, it is very little of its quantity in order to get burned. If you touch any of the parts of the vines or branches on the skin will immediately burn

What useful properties has poison ivy?

 Like many dangerous poisonous plants, it is used in medicine, because it is able to heal. His studies in medicine began in the late 18th century. Then it was first used to treat paralysis and rheumatism. Action Eastern poison ivy on the body is accompanied by a skin rash, nausea and vomiting. Symptoms like fever or a fever. Swells the prostate, there are mouth ulcers. These properties and used by doctors. The drug is called «Rhus tox», made on the basis tox is used in the treatment of those diseases that are accompanied by fever, swollen glands and restlessness.
The drug made from ivy juice collected during the period of high activity. This juice is mixed with pure alcohol, then strain, and adding some more components are used as intended.
The infusion of stems and leaves homeopaths used to treat colds, flu, rheumatism, various skin and eye diseases. Also, it is treated scarlet fever, wet ringworm, malaria, used in blister rashes and abscesses. The tool called "Akofit", having in his part of the infusion of the leaves of ivy is often used in modern medicine in the treatment of neuralgia, rheumatism and radiculitis.

Perhaps the same medicinal properties there are those types of plants that grow in our country. With proper research could be used to treat them, and how far the North American kinsman.

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